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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mark.farrell1

    I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

    here is my racking setup it start at the top, than second fermenter in the middle, than when ready for kegging bottom level.. to easy suits me and fits in a small laundry.. oh yeah
  2. mark.farrell1

    I Really Need To Know About Sitting Kegs

    When my kegs sit after carbonizatin do i need the gas lines on at my desired kpa to keep the beer gassed as i have two kegs and only one line.. thanks
  3. mark.farrell1

    First Time Brewer

    yes as i am on holiday i am always down there asking questions etc etc, but once you get Al goin its hard to leave...
  4. mark.farrell1

    Sitting Kegs

    I have no idea what your on about
  5. mark.farrell1

    First Time Brewer

    KK My first homey was a the munich lager that comes with the brew craft kit. I bottled it and waited the time till it was ready..... Drank it and thought i was the best home brewer in the world. it tasted so good................ but as i look back (only 6 or 7 brews ago ) it was ****. but i...
  6. mark.farrell1

    Sitting Kegs

    Just a quick one guys while my kegs are sitting after being carbonated, do i leave the gas line on and the tap on or just fill the keg to a desired kpa and take line of. I have two kegs so that is why i am asking, do i have to keep on swapping over gas lines every day for the beer to hold the...
  7. mark.farrell1

    How To Convert A Chest Freezer

    Good evening again fellow brewers thanks for the info about my ****** fridge. So after careful thought I have decided to purchase a chest freezer in the near future for my kegging needs. I have just a few questions for anyone interested. (some of them very amature ) Do chest freezers come with...
  8. mark.farrell1

    Advice For A K&k Man

    I finally opened it and read it through, As a newbe home brewer who uses kits this was a massive eye opener and have realised that i am goin to have to pay huge attention to what i am doing. My next brew i am going to try the yeast hydration although i dont think i can keep my fermenter at the...
  9. mark.farrell1

    Advice For A K&k Man

    I could not open the file what kind of document is it ????
  10. mark.farrell1

    Cutting The Freezer Out Of Fridge

    thanks will give it a go
  11. mark.farrell1

    Cutting The Freezer Out Of Fridge

    no worries but how do i check that it has refridgerant in the floor i am a refridgerator mechanic virgin..!!it feels evenly cold on all sides of the freezer.
  12. mark.farrell1

    Cutting The Freezer Out Of Fridge

    Good afternon brewers My fridge section is not keeping the fridge cold enough so i am thinking about cutting out the bottom layer of my freezer as this works perfectly. Its a Norge 370 cyclic defrost, (if that helps any one). Also i have looked at some pics of some AHBwers fridge setups, and...
  13. mark.farrell1

    Still Havin Trouble With My Keg

    Hi all the fridge that i keep my beer kegs in is not that crash hot, it is cold but, not cold enougph. When i put my beer in to be gassed, i put it on 300kpa and it normally takes about 4 days to carbonate. I than have alot of trouble with pouring pressures and alot of head coming out. My...
  14. mark.farrell1

    Fridge Regassing

    Hi AHB Just a quick question... does anyone know if I can get my old fridge re gassed? Its just not keeping my kegs cold enough. Or is there any home maintenance I can do myself. Thanks AHBwers
  15. mark.farrell1

    Second Fermenter Info

    hi all just a quick question, when i rack my beer into my second fermenter do i need to put in extra yeast or sugar i did nothing of the sort on my last brew and there was no bubbling going on.... any help would be appreciated and one more question does anyone know if you can get your old...
  16. mark.farrell1

    Pure Blonde Beer Query !

    Hi fellow AHBwers :super: I know you can make Pure Blonde tasting beer, but when you make it does it have less carbs just like the factory version ? also would just like to thank anyone on this site who has helped me out with some home brewing questions, a really awesome and helpful site. :chug:
  17. mark.farrell1

    Beer Filter

    Hi Does anyone use a beer filter ? If so, do you really rate it and do you still use fining's? And what are the associated costs ? Is it value for money and is the final result worth it? I keg my beer if thats any help. Thanks heaps Mark
  18. mark.farrell1

    Kegging For 1st Time

    Hi mxairtime This is straight from brewing crafts book and it works for me. Turn the pressure in the keg up to 40psi/280kpa and keep it at this pressure for 48 hrs. This will provide the correct level of carbination for a typical australian beer however you will find that some beers serve and...
  19. mark.farrell1

    Trouble With My Beer Gun.... I Think

    Hi everyone I am quite new to home brewing and went straight for the keg setup. When i pour my beer through the beer gun, when you squeeze the handle you get an initial hit of gas and beer which of course puts allot of head on my beer and the same happens when you release the handle. I have...