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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    i'm not saying it was modded, probably the host site.
  2. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    it disappeared.... so i replaced it with a nice toilet as a mild protest.
  3. yardy

    So What Has Happened To All The People That Used To Go On The Chat

    hope there wasn't any cnunts with potty mouths, that just fcucking spoils it for all the good people.
  4. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    sucks arse cobber, good luck with it, plenty of work in CQ if you get stuck :icon_cheers:
  5. yardy

    Gas Ring Size

    yeah fair enough, i try and make all my own gear, apart from my burner which was supplied by work :icon_cheers:
  6. yardy

    I Got Offered 8 Legs Of Venison For $100..

    so you got that joke for free then.. :icon_cheers:
  7. yardy

    Just Answering

    I'd go back to the Northern Rivers today but queerland needs me too much :icon_cheers:
  8. yardy

    How Do You Change The Notice Under Avatar

    just leave it, it suits you.
  9. yardy

    Gas Ring Size

    you really don't have to go to all that trouble, just pick one up from BOC Welding & Gases, Blackwoods etc.
  10. yardy

    Gas Ring Size

    green doesn't look good on you mate.
  11. yardy

    Gas Ring Size

    get a heating torch
  12. yardy

    Birthday Drinks

    hey matho, happy belated birthday bloke :icon_cheers: :icon_drunk:
  13. yardy

    Lhbs: "dont Go On The Internet"

    you should vilify them then, it's the done thing.
  14. yardy

    So What Has Happened To All The People That Used To Go On The Chat

    it's goin off like a frog in a bloody sock in the chat, fair dink !
  15. yardy

    So What Has Happened To All The People That Used To Go On The Chat

    too early for friday chat ?
  16. yardy

    Lhbs: "dont Go On The Internet"

    I'm glad you don't work in a HB shop with an attitude like that, I would slag you off anonymously on a public forum if I encountered you in a shop and didn't approve of something you said or did.
  17. yardy

    Bad Cubing Experience

    i see your point mate but a good cleaning and sanitising regime will see you right, i leave my CFC soak in a weak PBW whilst it's idle. hey pyro, calm down :icon_cheers:
  18. yardy

    Lhbs: "dont Go On The Internet"

    Girls don't like a lot of things, the secret is knowing what they do like.
  19. yardy

    Queensland Beer Appreciation Night March 10th 2012

    the rumours are true then, your temper is legend.