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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    i laughed so much a bit of wee came out.
  2. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    they'll morph into a flant and give you an uppercut for performing domestic duties.
  3. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    nah she's not a prostitute then.. that's got traffic control lady written all over it, check her teeth, less than four and it's traffic control.
  4. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    Is it possible she's a Prostitute ?
  5. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    oh dear..hard day in the salt mines.. what's got your knickers in a twist bum ? thanks for the kind wishes btw, it means a lot at this difficult time :)
  6. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    vocational error ^ should've been a stop n go lady, they're raking it in i hear.
  7. yardy

    Angle Grinder For 'simplest Kettle Cutting Jig'

    fair enough mate but you're asking for trouble cutting rubber with a microdisc, if it heats, sticks and jams it'll blow to bits, I've had one embed itself into my welding helmet. no doubt you've finished the job now but if it were me i would've used a hacksaw blade and a chisel or heavy duty...
  8. yardy

    Angle Grinder For 'simplest Kettle Cutting Jig'

    no piss take intended here, why don't you mark a line and just cut it by hand ? when those microdiscs explode, and they all do, you'll be a lot better equipped to deal with it if it you're hanging onto it rather than having it cable tied to that jig.
  9. yardy

    More For Sale

    forgot to post up the large dia line and fittings that go with this lot (first 2 pics) cheap at $150 :icon_cheers:
  10. yardy

    Keg Coupler Arrived Broken

    direct him here ;);#entry979958
  11. yardy

    For Sale

    FONT SOLD :icon_cheers:
  12. yardy

    For Sale

    reduced to $300
  13. yardy

    For Sale

    only joking, the font is still for sale (Ross is as tight as a bulls arse in fly time).. btw the font is flooded. cheers
  14. yardy

    More For Sale

    FOR SALE: MicroMatic Slide On Keg Coupler + Fittings and Beer Line Andale Floryte Tap with Queensland translation on Handle (PISS) to avoid embarrassment of the poor Qld spelling I have included 3 metal logos in the sale so it can be hidden from view. $200 ono same deal as the other...