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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbog

    Matilda Bay - Pull Your Finger Out

    They're on AHB also, give it to em. :beerbang:
  2. beerbog

    Matilda Bay - Pull Your Finger Out

    Let them know that social media is a powerful tool and you'll smear their name all over it. Arseholes. :beerbang:
  3. beerbog

    Do I Tip All Of Cube Into Fermenter

    Yep, all of it. :beerbang:
  4. beerbog

    Whats Your Favourite Hop

    Cascade and Galaxy, in that order. :beerbang:
  5. beerbog

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    Just about to chuck down my first LAndlord. I have Simpsons GP, Heritage Crystal and a 2 week old pack of 1469 ready to go. Can't wait. :beerbang:
  6. beerbog

    Altmunster 2 Litre Growler..any Good?

    Gee that's a bit pricey, the beer isn't the best but the bottles are great. :beerbang:
  7. beerbog

    Australia Day 2012. What's In Your Glass?

    Mashed potato wrapped in devon with a toothpick through the middle, can't get more aussie than that. :beerbang:
  8. beerbog

    Australia Day 2012. What's In Your Glass?

    Coopers Pale clone. :beerbang:
  9. beerbog

    Diluting Post Fermentation

    Dilute into the fermentor, you'll just end up with more beer. Not a bad thing. :beerbang:
  10. beerbog

    My First Ag Biab Dunkleweizen

    I'm doing the same, first time making a dunkelweizen. I'm using the recipe out of Brewing Classic Styles, including the 3068 yeast. It uses Carafa 2, Special B and Crystal, as well as wheat, pilsner and munich. Hallertau hops. :beerbang:
  11. beerbog

    Carbonation Confusion

    Ditch the detergent, that is your problem. It still leaves a fine film on the glass. :beerbang:
  12. beerbog

    Carbonation Confusion

    Check your glasses are clean. Only rinse them in hot water, not detergent. :beerbang:
  13. beerbog

    Hops Stuck At Customs From Northern Brewer

    ahh, yawn. :o
  14. beerbog

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    Thanks Tony, info much appreciated. Might get a pack and give it a crack. At the moment I am just reusing slurry from previous batches. This is the next step. Cheers. :beerbang:
  15. beerbog

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    Nice work Tony, a few quick questions, does 1 wyeast pack do 3 starters? (by splitting). The one and only starter I made was a 600ml only with Coopers Pale yeast. Worked well. Is there any minimum starter size you use with the vials? Also you mention pouring the liquid off before pitching. Is...
  16. beerbog

    A Thanks To The Forum.

    Gold! :beerbang:
  17. beerbog

    Crab Cooker

    After giving a good whirpool, syphon with a piece of hose. Keep the hose towards the outside of the boiler because the process of whirpooling puts all the trub etc in the middle if the vessel. Heaps of info on here about whirpooling. After a couple of times, I'm sure you'll cut a hole in the...
  18. beerbog

    Mill Gap For Biab?

    0.020". Gives me 75 - 76% efficiency for my setup. :beerbang:
  19. beerbog

    Fwks In Sydney

    I'd be interested in an Obama IPA + a 1056. Thanks. :beerbang: