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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Airgead

    Interesting, funny or odd pics

    I can see a slight problem when the melting ice in the beer cooler flushes your bbq away...
  2. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    That's one heck of a washer. I'd love to see them making the nut and bolt to match. I'm also amazed by the state of the art safety gear these guys use. Particularly their fantastic hearing protection.
  3. Airgead

    Smoking Meat...

    Did a couple of rainbow trout in the smoker over the weekend. With a home made chili aioli. Vanished too fast for photos.
  4. Airgead

    Vegemite back in Australian Ownership

    All your posts are belong to us.
  5. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    Run a pipe from the Ac drain into the water tank. Shame to see it go to waste...
  6. Airgead

    Australia Day lamb advertisement

    I see a trend here... All the diamonds were formed quite a few years ago now. There haven't been any new ones for a long time. Still plenty of new dung though. No shortage of that.
  7. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    The Bom website says it's 31 at home. The thermometer on the back deck disagrees. It says 40.
  8. Airgead

    Australia Day lamb advertisement

    Can I report that middle picture for inappropriate content?
  9. Airgead

    Australia Day lamb advertisement

    Club Veg
  10. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    Was 35 in our backyard by 8:30... I walk to work. Takes me an hour. I think I lost about 5 kilos just in sweat this morning.
  11. Airgead

    soo, shredding 500kgs of cotton for cushions etc. Anyone?!

    You need a cotton gin...
  12. Airgead

    The WEAL railroad

    Trouble is of course, is that these days everyone lives in a million dollar house. It does you nogood at all unless you sell it but then you still have to live somewhere. Retirement villages cost as much to buy into as a free standing house. Doesn't matter how much your house costs in...
  13. Airgead

    fermenting cider under pressure question

    You must learn patience...
  14. Airgead

    fermenting cider under pressure question

    Why not just unscrew the pressure relief valve on the keg and bung an airlock in? Then you can just ferment in a corny as normal without having to farnarkle around fermenting under pressure...
  15. Airgead

    Lalvin Dry Yeast For Mead And Winemaking

    I dont measure it (though I could... Might do so this year) but on side by side tastings, the 71b gives a smoother less acidic result (less perceptible anyway) than yeasts that dont degrade malic acid.
  16. Airgead

    Lalvin Dry Yeast For Mead And Winemaking

    Yeah. I buy odd stuff from them all the time. Always been very happy with them. Five bucks for yeast seems reasonable to me... BTW... After a bunch of experiments, I found 71b to be a better mead yeast than the d47. At least for what I do.
  17. Airgead

    Lalvin Dry Yeast For Mead And Winemaking

    It's either ibrew or buy in bulk from a wine makers supplier. I think ibrew is the only place that re packages into smaller batches.
  18. Airgead

    Shaver Shop Shares Plummet

    Come on, there is shaving (as in efficiently removing hair from face) which they are quite good at. Then there is hipster shaving which is removing hair with the shaving equivalent of a manual typewriter. That they don't do. They also don't do beard oil or moustache wax. If you want those things...
  19. Airgead

    "fresh" apple juice cider not doing much after 5 days

    Ahhh yes indeed. Missed that bit. The peroxide would nuke any remaining yeast as well so a new pitch would be needed. I suspect at this point the easiest option would be to get some new juice and make sure that 202 is not on the ingredient list...
  20. Airgead

    "fresh" apple juice cider not doing much after 5 days

    I was going to point you at ibrew as well. It's the only place I know where you can get 71b in under a half kilo size. @wareemba probably. 202 is potassium sorbate which inhibits yeast reproduction. I use the stuff (as sorbistat) when I back sweeten and don't want re fermentation. So yes, you...