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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Airgead

    Big Brother is now Watching You

    I'm doing consulting work for a telco at the moment (won't say which one... But there are only 3 to guess from) and believe me... Your ISP knows everything your browser knows and more. For a start your ISP doesn't have an incognito (also known as porn browsing) mode. As much as they complain...
  2. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    2B...Or not 2B. That is the question. Is it nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of broken points? Or to use a Biro?
  3. Airgead

    John Clarke

    Just saw this. Absolutely bummed by the news. Huge loss. Star of wonder Star of light Star of bewdy, she'll be right Star of glory, that's the story Following yonder star .
  4. Airgead

    Can i use sorbate and metabisulphate in carbonated cider?

    Should be able to. That would prevent refernentation. The difficulty would be in adding it with it releasing all the carbonation you have already built up...
  5. Airgead

    How to get started in Cider. The definitive(ish) guide to beginner&#39

    Whatever it says on the packet. Diferent nutrients have diferent dosing rates.
  6. Airgead

    How to get started in Cider. The definitive(ish) guide to beginner&#39

    Yes. It does indeed. Cider differs from beer in that the process is much simpler. The difficulty in cider is getting good apples and blending them into something great.
  7. Airgead

    How to get started in Cider. The definitive(ish) guide to beginner&#39

    Nope. I just let it settle in the fridge overnight and rack off the pulp. Even that is optional though. Just juice and pitch is all you need to do.
  8. Airgead

    Rip Murray Ball - Footrot Flats cartoonist

    Diogenes the dog. Makes sense. Well done TheWiggman! As usual I stand in awe at the collective knowledge present here.
  9. Airgead

    Rip Murray Ball - Footrot Flats cartoonist

    Anyone else remember the old Footrot Flats comic? Murray Ball, the man behind Footrot Flats died from complications of Alzheimer's yesterday at age 78. We never did get to learn what Dog's name was...
  10. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    That's dangerously socialist thinking There Mardoo... Dont you know that massive coroporate profits are good for everyone. That's why they should be given massive tax cuts. And penalty rate cuts. And the ability to completely casualise their workforce through sham contracting. As Maggie...
  11. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    They have centralised the mail sorting facilities. So any parcel in NSW goes first to the regional sorting facility then from there to the main NSW one then on to the destination state (maybe via the eastern or Western central sorting facility) then on to the destination region and so on. Lots...
  12. Airgead

    Pauline Hanson to launch craft brew

    Couldn't be a wit... That would be foreign. Likewise weizen. Can't have those foreign beers coming over and taking over our schooners can we? A very pale ale perhaps? Might be a bit yellow for her though... We might get overrun by yellow beers.
  13. Airgead

    Pauline Hanson to launch craft brew

    Not likely to be a brown either...
  14. Airgead

    My new toy

    I borrowed my mum's old kenwood for a year before I bought mine and it will handle a kilo of dough with ease. I have reverted to hand kneading though as with teenagers one kilo of dough goes basically nowhere. I'm doing 5 kilo batches now and it barely lasts a week. On the up side I don't need...
  15. Airgead

    My new toy

    My mum got one of those in 1970 when she got married. Still going strong. I bought one of the newer ones (relatively speaking) about 15 years ago. Awesome. All they changed was the finish... Newer one is all stainless not white enamel.
  16. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    Well... I'm convinced.
  17. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    39 light years. Pretty much in our backyard... Cosmically speaking. Speed wise the fastest spacecraft at launch was new horizons (the Pluto mission) that clocked in at 58000km/h. Juno is 265000 relative to the earth but only because it is whizzing around in Jupiter's huge gravity well (which...
  18. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    It's an acronym so exempt from the name protection stuff (if they even cared about such things) TRAnsiting Planets and PlenetIsimals Small Telescope. It's one of those really forced, convoluted and awkward acronyms NASA types come up with just so their project can have a cool project name...
  19. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Between the tomato sauce and the air compressors.
  20. Airgead

    Any takers?

    Pump & dump...