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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. LethalCorpse

    Sparkie Needed: Wiring Up A Beerbelly "broad Range Temp Controlle

    For commercial purposes, you're right. If the device is going to be sold, or used in a commercial environment (any workplace), it needs to be done by an electrician. For personal use, though, only QLD has legislation preventing it. No, I'm not a lawyer, and again, this doesn't constitute...
  2. LethalCorpse

    Sparkie Needed: Wiring Up A Beerbelly "broad Range Temp Controlle

    Yep, perfectly legal modification for anyone outside QLD to do. The difference between what you did, and what other folks are doing with their tempmates, etc, is nil. Yours came supplied with the connectors, and was cheaper - good for you. Still the same wiring procedure though - just because...
  3. LethalCorpse

    Sparkie Needed: Wiring Up A Beerbelly "broad Range Temp Controlle

    It's only illegal to perform work on non-fixed 240V appliances in Queensland. Everywhere else, it's perfectly legal. If you do it wrong, and start a fire, you'll probably be charged under reckless endangerment and the like, but there isn't a law that specifically prohibits doing your own wiring...
  4. LethalCorpse

    Sparkie Needed: Wiring Up A Beerbelly "broad Range Temp Controlle

    Go to Jaycar and buy this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this. If you can solder you should also buy this and this for connecting the sensor cable to the unit, otherwise just get this to pass the cable through. The tool will handle the stripping of the wires (both the outer and...
  5. LethalCorpse

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Depends a fair bit on the internal design of the pump. "thermal protection" refers to the motor, not the pump - it means that if the motor exceeds the rated temp a thermostat will cut the power. You may be able to quite happily pump boiling liquid through the impeller housing without the motor...
  6. LethalCorpse

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    WTF does thermally protected mean?
  7. LethalCorpse

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Are you selling this, or just, for some reason, excited that there's a pump there? Either way, knock it off. EDIT: coming from your town, so I'm going to assume it's yours. The listing says "thermally protected to pump hot liquids". This doesn't mean anything. What is the temperature rating of...
  8. LethalCorpse

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    er....What do they do with a coolroom in and old-age home... :icon_vomit:
  9. LethalCorpse

    Ag Setup - Mash Tun, Grain, Crusher And Kettle.

    Batz is one, he should be able to take care of it for you
  10. LethalCorpse

    Ag Setup - Mash Tun, Grain, Crusher And Kettle.

    Erm...I'd strongly advise against posting your mobile phone number in a public forum. ID thieves and spammers love that kinda thing. Perhaps send a PM to one of the moderators asking them to change it for you (this, by the way, is yet another reason why the half hour editing window is ridiculous).
  11. LethalCorpse

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Adobe Creative Suite 4. Contains Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and a bunch of others. It's a bit like Microsoft office, except for creativity instead of productivity
  12. LethalCorpse

    Temperature Controller Problem

    Or soldered joins in your cables. All cables should be stripped and terminated inside screw terminals or on spades. If you must join cables standalone, they should be in BP connectors
  13. LethalCorpse

    Temperature Controller Problem

    *sigh*. Refer to my sig.
  14. LethalCorpse

    Temperature Controller Problem

    Read the post immediately above yours, errant. It explains the problem and the solution.
  15. LethalCorpse

    Temperature Controller Problem

    ? Rob has just served to indicate how it's possible to believe you've wired it up correctly, and still have something which can set fire to your nuts. Active goes to terminal two and terminal 11. Active supply to fridge comes from terminal one. Neutral to fridge comes from mains neutral...
  16. LethalCorpse

    Temperature Controller Problem

    Could be blown relay contacts, but if you can hear it clicking, far more likely that the wiring is wrong - you're sure you've wired it according to the instructions, but the instructions could even be wrong. Take a few photos and post them up, along with the aforementioned instructions to see if...
  17. LethalCorpse

    Ideas On A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    Oops, yes quite right. The active supply to the middle relay contact should come from the main inlet, not the fridgemate
  18. LethalCorpse

    Ideas On A Fridge Temperature Controller?

    Nope, you're spot on - it would always be either heating or cooling. To do anything else you'd either need a smarter controller or two controllers set at slightly different setpoints. I'm not sure what the tempmate uses - whether it has a hysteresis band where neither is cut in, or whether it...