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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    Norprene is also used in peristaltic pumps
  2. LethalCorpse

    Electricians....question For You?

    Hey, I was asked not to jump in with "don't do it or you'll kill yourself", which I definitely didn't do. EDIT: unless you count my sig...
  3. LethalCorpse

    Electricians....question For You?

    oops, posting before coffee, and too long since I dealt with AC motors. Yep, the current goes up if you drop the voltage,. Not true for a whole lot of other things, though, certainly not anything with a resistive load (a motor is a largely inductive load). plenty of people assume that, in all...
  4. LethalCorpse

    Electricians....question For You?

    Nope, this doesn't happen. If you halve the voltage, most things will draw half the current. They don't have the brains to compensate. The general exception is switchmode power supplies - if designed to do so, switchmode supplies will draw twice the current to keep their outputs constant with a...
  5. LethalCorpse

    Electricians....question For You?

    sorry, screwy, but this one earnt you a place in my last post. You were probably taking the piss, but it's still rubbish.
  6. LethalCorpse

    Electricians....question For You?

    Guys, please stop the pissing contest about voltage versus current. None of you (except newguy) know what you're talking about, and you're speaking as though you think you do. Budwiser, you're right, newguy doesn't know the particular regulations for South Australia, however, he knows far more...
  7. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    So what if it is a university assignment? It'd still be a project of his own choosing, and an admirable one at that. Many folks like to open and close valves by hand. Some like to build stuff to do things for them. Maybe that would take the enjoyment out of it for the former crowd, but for the...
  8. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    Careful Kev - 0.1C resolution, 1C accuracy. It'll still most likely be better than something with 1C resolution, but if you want to trust it at that sort of accuracy you'll need to calibrate it against a very good thermometer.
  9. LethalCorpse

    Fs 3/4" Type F Stainless Steel Camlocks.

    Is the thread 3/4" or 1/2"? Very interested
  10. LethalCorpse

    Glycol Mix Ratio A Little Help Please

    MY ego is quite unharmed, but I'll pass on your concern.
  11. LethalCorpse

    Glycol Mix Ratio A Little Help Please

    Listen, sport, if you don't want to be treated like a *******, then stop behaving like one. Firstly, it's ethylene glycol, not ethel, or ethelyn, or any other bastardised way you try to spell it. Google can correct some mistakes, but it's not clairvoyant. Stop me if the words get too long...
  12. LethalCorpse

    Glycol Mix Ratio A Little Help Please

    It wasn't at all straightforward. As I read it, he's expecting the glycol to lower the temperature. Since the rest of his post was poorly constructed, I'm happy for that to be inaccurate, but I had to respond with both interpretations. Yes, most questions on here could be answered, eventually...
  13. LethalCorpse

    Glycol Mix Ratio A Little Help Please

    Dude, have a think about what you're doing. If you're hoping that ethylene (or propylene, as you should be using if it has any chance of coming in contact with the beer) glycol will somehow magically lower the temperature of your beer, you're on the wrong track. Glycol itself cannot change the...
  14. LethalCorpse

    Digital Kitchen Scales Special @ Harris Scarfe

    They may read down to 1g, but their accuracy at that resolution will be limited. Probably not much better than guessing. 100-500g digital scales with 0.1-0.01g resolution are readily available below $60-$70, if you look hard I'm sure you can find them for about $30.
  15. LethalCorpse

    Stainless Steel Fittings

    Me too, but I drew the line at the price of swagelok. I've had to do rather a lot of redesign to avoid using any type of compression fittings. Which reminds me, I need to design stands for my keggle/mashkeg/HLkeg so I can drain out of the bottoms of the buggers. I will eventually need a couple...
  16. LethalCorpse

    Stainless Steel Fittings

    They're not what he's looking for, but that's some pretty sweet swagelok bling right there.
  17. LethalCorpse

    Stainless Steel Fittings

    They might, but you'll get more responses here
  18. LethalCorpse

    Stainless Steel Fittings is the mob you're thinking of, and I highly recommend them, but I can't see an M-M fitting in their catalogue (or rather, cattalogue [sic]). In fact, I can't ever remember seeing one. So, why do you need M-M? If you can give us some more details of your plumbing design, we...