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  1. MarkBastard

    World No Fap February *2012 Edition*

    I'm still in this
  2. MarkBastard

    World No Fap February *2012 Edition*

    It gives your arm a rest so you don't walk around with one popeye arm like a god damn yabbie.
  3. MarkBastard

    World No Fap February *2012 Edition*

    I'm in as long as I can get gobbys as well
  4. MarkBastard

    Tell Me Your Top 5 Specialty Grains

    Munich Caramunich Chocolate Biscuit Carafa Special
  5. MarkBastard

    Stepped Mashing Schedules By Style

    Good thread. Always wondered this myself. Would love to read an overview of this sort of thing including the malting process.
  6. MarkBastard

    Biab:getting The Wort Out Of A Hanging Bag.

    Using the bag purchased from craft brewer and grain crushed by craft brewer (default crush, didn't ask for anything special) I get wort pooling above the grain in the bag while I am lifting it. However it all drains out in a predictable fashion starting with a fast drain and finishing with drips...
  7. MarkBastard

    Dry Hopping After Carbing

    I don't think I've ever keg-hopped without carbonating first. It will be fine, this is from experience. Only listen to advice derived from experience!
  8. MarkBastard

    Good Places To Drink In Brisbane

    Good to hear. Damn only a couple of years ago we had zero choice and now we're relatively spoiled.
  9. MarkBastard

    If Money Was No Object Would You Start A Micro Brewery?

    I'd probably make a home micro brewery and make a craft beer pub, but not bother making my own beer for it. Then if legislation ever changed maybe I'd reconsider.
  10. MarkBastard

    Holgate Brewery, Flat Beer,poor Barstaff,slap Time

    I agree. If anything this thread has made me want to go to this venue and drink their beers. I love the way it was handled. I've seen really fair criticisms directed at businesses in the past and the businesses just go CRAZY at the customer, when the customer was being articulate and just...
  11. MarkBastard

    Cheap Urn On Ebay

    Yes, you definitely can for BIAB. The question is whether or not you have to use maxi-biab methods.
  12. MarkBastard

    Kegging Setups

    Yeah fair enough, no use fixing something that isn't broken. I reckon some insulation around the lines/tap shanks would help at least somewhat though. But I guess it's summer at the moment so if it's not an issue now then it's just not an issue.
  13. MarkBastard

    Kegging Setups

    Ah yep I see. You'd probably be better off just insulating the lines I reckon. The ice could be handy if it can keep the tap shanks cold though. Ice wouldn't last long. Or you could pump some glycol from the freezer into a tank surrounding the tap shanks/line and then back into the freezer.
  14. MarkBastard

    Throw Out Your Cubes

    To be specific, he thinks microwaved food gives people cancer. That's why he won't use one.
  15. MarkBastard

    Throw Out Your Cubes

    My uncle smokes weed but won't use a microwave.
  16. MarkBastard

    Kegging Setups

    Awesome, would love to see what's on the other side of the shed.
  17. MarkBastard

    Ikea Keg Scales

    Guessing when doing a keg to keg transfer from a 19L to a 9L there's no harm in filling the 9L up completely then? I mean the beer is already carbed. In practice I've found the beer stops transferring itself before it gets full. Possibly when the gas dip tube hits liquid.
  18. MarkBastard

    Ikea Keg Scales

    I also reckon it would look cool. But most digital scales wouldn't work like that would they? Like they wouldn't be always on, and they set themselves to zero when first turned on? I know the commercial ones can be always on and give a serial output but they're probably too big and expensive.