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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MarkBastard

    Old 20l Cubes

  2. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    Yeah they own a substantial chunk of the capitalist world, those crazy socialists. Funny thing isn't it. Free markets and all that.
  3. MarkBastard

    Bacchus Brew Day In Time Lapse.

    How did you digitally remove the whips?
  4. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    Didn't see that one coming!
  5. MarkBastard

    Power Bill

    Really good article on power if anyone wants to read it
  6. MarkBastard

    Black Kegerator Seal

    Yeah that's what I was thinking, black tape is worth trying.
  7. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    I'd argue that mining lobby groups brought down Kevin Rudd. To some extent interest groups sacked the leader of Australia.
  8. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    They don't agree with me because they're ******* idiots.
  9. MarkBastard

    No Chill / Partial Chill / Full Chill Experiment

    Analysis doesn't concern me much unless there is first a distinctly recognisable difference that the tasters notice. The ideal outcome for this would be very minor differences with the cube hopped one having more late hop character. I doubt that'll happen but it'd be nice.
  10. MarkBastard

    No Chill / Partial Chill / Full Chill Experiment

    Sounds like a good experiment and I'm interested in feedback. Next time I propose another experiment. 1 - Normal chilled beer + ferment hop 2 - No-chill beer + cube hop + ferment hop 3 - No-chill beer + ferment hop 4 - No-chill beer + french press hop tea addition in fermenter
  11. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    Fair point. I would say that the bogans are indeed racist hate-filled arseholes, but this stems from a genuine ignorance that they aren't entirely responsible for. It's cultural and something that can only change over time. The politicians should basically know better. They have an education...
  12. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    They care because they are told to care. The TV told them it was serious business.
  13. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    I would love to get you started on the NBN. If you are seriously going to argue that Labor's IT policies are worse than the Liberals I will piss myself laughing.
  14. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    I'm pretty sure Labor had the most votes by far, and they formed a coalition with other parties to make up enough numbers to form a government. The Liberal/National coalition did form their coalition many moons ago, however neither party is voted for by a substantial majority of Australians...
  15. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    Why do you assume I'm a Labor voter? I think staunch Labor and Liberal voters are about equally retarded.
  16. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    I can't believe it's actually possible that someone is so retarded they don't even know how to spell the name of the party governing Australia.
  17. MarkBastard

    Black Kegerator Seal

    I would attach a strip to the lid in front of the seals such that they hide the seals and only have a few mm gap.
  18. MarkBastard

    How Beer Saved The World

    ROFL so true. I can't even watch a majority of television these days as it seems to pander too much to *******.
  19. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    Why would anyone want an election? To fast track Abbott in?
  20. MarkBastard

    Beer & Brewer Magazine Subcription

    Yeah I'm a subscriber due to a gift. It's an OK magazine only. The advice for home brewers is pretty horrible most of the time. There is way too much cider content. It's got some good articles in the beer section from time to time though. Overall I'd say it's bad for advice but okay for...