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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Looking great guys. Anyone using freshly picked hops in brews?
  2. Scottsrx

    Craft Breweries & Pubs Around Adelaide

    All good choices Ken but definitely head to the Wheaty, you won't regret it. Jump on the tram on King William and get off at Thebarton and you can walk the rest, it's not far at all. If you head to the East End then drop past the Austral and treat yourself to a Mismatch Brewing Session Ale. My...
  3. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Got some great looking crops going on here. I picked a fair amount on the weekend. First up was 278gms of Victoria 361gms of Chinook And then the Cascade. Got 440gms on the first pick Then I picked 180gms on Monday to be used in the days brewing. We did an IPA and an APA...
  4. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Nice work DAC, how many plants do you have in total? How do you dry such a big quantity and were they all picked in one sitting? I got another 97gms of Goldings last night, wet. Should get the same again in about a week. Aiming to pick The last of my Chinook and hopefully start on the Victoria...
  5. Scottsrx

    Advice wanted on drying hops

    It's sounding like mine need to be dried out a lot more. I'll have to run them through the dehydrator again. Looking at your weights Drunk Az you've lost 70% moisture as opposed to mine losing 50%. Hopefully get some more Chinook and Goldings this week and a small crop of Victoria. Cascade...
  6. Scottsrx

    In need of james squire hop theif 6 allgrain recipe

    I did this recently. Malt profile, colour and bitterness is fantastic but it lacked on the hop aroma and flavour. I'll try again one day with a 'Day 3' dry hop of columbus Grain Bill ---------------- 3.800 kg Pale Malt (76%) 0.600 kg Munich II (12%) 0.400 kg Wheat Malt (8%) 0.200 kg Chocolate...
  7. Scottsrx

    Hop storage

    If you don't have a Gasweld nearby then Power10 also sell bottles outright and they're a similiar price to Gasweld. Costs about $155 to refill an E size bottle but you can only get them to refill it.
  8. Scottsrx

    Advice wanted on drying hops

    How long are you guys keeping them in the dehydrator for? I ran mine last night for a few hours on low and halved the total weight of my hops.
  9. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Picked another harvest last night, this time it was the Goldings. I also finished drying the Chinook and reduced the weight down to 108gms. The aroma coming from the Chinook is delicious. REally looking forward to brewing with it. My Victoria are looking very close and will probably come...
  10. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Did a little bit of harvesting on the first of my Chinooks. Got 213gms wet from one first year plant. Pretty happy with that. They come out really green in thep ics due to using the flash. They're nice and papery with good aroma and break easily in your hands.
  11. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Hey Mardoo, I got my rhizomes from Hoppy2B on here and I'm located on the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula in SA. Very close to the same latitude as Canberra and 235m above sea level. Now, to be honest, I've looked back over the pics that I took of my hops and I'm not sure if this was Goldings or...
  12. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    My first year Goldings are coming along nicely
  13. Scottsrx

    G'day from Adelaide

    Hey gasbag, welcome. Same question as Killer Brew, what location are you in? If you're ever treking along the Heysen Trail down at Nangkita then drop in and say hi. My property has the trail running along side for a little bit along Nangkita Rd. I used to hate winter myself but am getting more...
  14. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Looks good man but watch those mice :)
  15. Scottsrx

    Hops of the South West WA - Circa. 1960

    Great pics mate. Love the use of the old timbers for trellising. My wife grew up in Manji before moving to Bussleton. Definitely one of the nicest places in the country thats for sure. Except the lack of real dirt :D
  16. Scottsrx

    The Goat: Is this the fastest and most water efficient chiller yet?

    Would I be wrong in saying there's more money invested in copper pipe there than you could drop on a plate chiller? But obviously the cleaning side of things is much better.
  17. Scottsrx

    G'day from SA

    Hey Ben, nice to see someone not far away on here. Not that I've been here for that long myself. I'm at Nangkita, not that far away really. Looks like a great location for a Brewery, good luck with everything.
  18. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Thanks again hoppy2B. I didn't do that unfortunately, the big gap was meant for the 3 remaining Cascade that struggled. They're still in pots but still surviving. I've now realised they should have been spread further apart as they are all over each other. Thanks Yob, thats next on the job...
  19. Scottsrx

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    MY first attempt at growing hops. Managed to get them in a little late but they survived. Huge thanks to Hoppy2B for the supply. I've got Cascade, Chinook, Cluster, Victoria and Goldings. The beginnings In the ground and growing well As of today And my first flower on the Chinook...
  20. Scottsrx

    Optimal Gravity Reading Before Transferring To Secondary Fermentation

    Thanks Yob, I've never taken yeast from secondary, I'm guessing thats what you meant?, and had thought about it but will remove that thought from here on.