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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Ghetto Braumeister - Biab W/ Controller

    Geez, nothing ghetto about their prices!
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    When A Little Knowlege Is A Dangerous Thing

    No chill in your urn. Wrap gladwrap all around the lid to seal it as well as possible then just pour it into your fermenter in the morning when it's cool. I do that all the time.
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    Wyeast 3538 Pc Leuven Pale

    I made a Belgian Pale with this yeast and it was great. I have also just bottled a Belg Strong Dark with this yeast but it's still conditioning so I don't know what that tastes like yet. The Pale recipe was one that I got from Father Jack and was: 66% Pilsner 19% Dark munich 5% Aromatic 6%...
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    Ghetto Braumeister - Biab W/ Controller

    I've been thinking about using one of those stainless steel fry pan splatter guards as a hop screen/false bottom. I reckon you could also use one on the bottom of your inner vessel. Just cut the bottom of the inner vessel out and leave a lip for the splatter guard to sit on. You may need to...
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    Wanted Beer Bottles

    I can't help you with longnecks, but I can give you 4-5 boxes of stubbies if you like. PM me if interested.
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    Specialty Bottles For Sale

    Bugger! I'd love to get take those Chimay bottles off your hands if I was closer to Randwick. :(
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    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    Hasn't anyone got a Cascade rhizome they want to swap for a Goldings?
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    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I've got a spare Goldings rhizome that I'd like to swap for a Cascade. I just dug it up and it's got plenty of shoots and looks like it's ready to take off. I'm happy to post it.
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    Saf S33 Wtf?

    In my experience you won't need to add any extra yeast. It will still carbonate fine after lagering, it will just take a bit longer. I always lager my...erm...lagers for at least a month and have never needed to add extra yeast when I bottle. It does usually take at least a month before they are...
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    Fitting Camlocks To Plate Chiller

    I don't like the sound of that! Is it really that common though? I just did a Google search and found no mention of cracked plate chillers. I'm not doubting what you said, just wondering if it is a common problem that I should be concerned about or is it just a very small few that have...
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    Fitting Camlocks To Plate Chiller

    @ Wolfy: I've only ever seen pictures of plate chillers with barbs on them so didn't realise they could be unscrewed. That definitely makes things easy. @ Mintsauce: thanks for the pic. I might copy that idea. Does anyone know what thread size is on the Keg King plate chiller?
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    Fitting Camlocks To Plate Chiller

    I'm about to place a big order with Geordi for various plumbing pieces for my new brew rig build. I want to try to order everyting now to save stuffing around later so I'm compiling a list of what I will need. I don't currently have a plate chiller but that is also on the shopping list. I'm not...
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    Auckland To Whangarei Bottleshop

    Hi Kiwi's, I'm going to be driving from Akl airport to Whangarei and want to find a decent bottleshop on the way as the ones in Whangarei are crap. Anybody know of a good one that stocks a reasonable range of NZ craft beer? Preferably not too far off the motorway.
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    Canadian Blonde W/ Honey

    Josh, I also read somewhere about honey taking a long time to ferment, however I haven't experienced that myself. I've done several brews with added honey and they have all fermented as per normal. I agree with the other guys, reduce your ferment temp and wait until your gravity is stable over...
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    Snow Chains For Loan Anyone?

    What size tyres have you got?
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    Semi-automated Electric Biab

    Thanks again TB for another detailed and informative post. I had seen those concealed crown urn elements before but had forgotten about it. They certainly do look good. I also like the idea that they are 2400W instead of 2200W, which gives me a tiny bit more ooomph. I do think I will still need...
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    Semi-automated Electric Biab

    So does anyone know of a PID that does have a "dimmer" function?
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    Semi-automated Electric Biab

    Thanks TB, a lot of food for thought there. As a born and bred BIABer I never considered that recirc rates would be a problem. If I have the recirculating wort re-entering the vessel through the lid but piped down to just above the level of the false bottom (i.e. into the grain bed), will that...
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    Semi-automated Electric Biab

    Thanks Leon. The diagram does confuse me a bit, but that's more to do with my lack of familiarity with wiring diagrams than any fault of yours. I like the idea of not allowing the element to work unless the pump is on. Is that a March pump in your diagram? Are they only 12V?