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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Ghetto Braumeister - Biab W/ Controller

    Bump. Did you get a chance to finish this Bizier?
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    Cleaning S/s Element

    I got lots of baked on gunk on mine after it's first use. Oven cleaner did a pretty good job of cleaning it. I haven't had the same problem with subsequent uses so maybe it just happens with the first use? I have no idea why that would be and I'll be interested to hear if you experience the same...
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    February It Is

    OK, I'm in too. Although I will have one day off for my home brew club meeting and I'll also partake in a few hydrometer samples. I may have to start taking my hydrometer readings in a pint glass!
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    Vic Kegking Co2 Bottles Anygood?

    I was thinking of getting a KK cylinder and it seems that most HBS only keep the 2.6 kg size so it may not be that easy to get the 6 kg size swapped once it's empty. KK have a list of places to swap them on their website so check that and see if anyone near you accepts the 6 kg size.
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    Hot March Pump

    I've used my March pump several times now and it always gets quite hot around the area where the motor is when it's operating. It's hot enough that I can only put my hand on it for a second. Is that normal? It's clamped underneath my brew bench but the air vents aren't covered. I put some oil in...
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    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I agree with Stinger. I've got the exact same thing happening to a couple of my plants that are in pots. I'm not a botanist but from the reading I have done I think it's potassium deficiency. I chucked on some potash and heaps of manure and that seems to have stimulated some new growth.
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    Re-fill Diemen Gas Bottles In Melb

    You can swap them at Andale, which is just around the corner from you in Airport West. Costs about $15.
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    Biab Leffe Blone Rec. Request

    I agree with Nick. I made TDA's Fly Blown Belgian once. It's a bloody nice beer, but it's not like Leffe Blonde.
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    Matho's controller

    Can someone explain to me what Matho's controller can do that a PID controller like this one can't do? I've been planning to get a PID for a while but if Matho's controller is better than I'd definitely be keen to get one.
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    The Beer You.d Most Like To Clone?

    I've got a few test-tubes of slurry sitting in the fridge and I'd be happy to give you one. PM me.
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    Cathodic Protection For Aluminium Kettle

    Thanks guys. From what I have read, it seems that water high in chlorides can also cause galvanic corrosion on aluminium. I always add CaCl2 to my brew water so it could be that causing the corrosion and not the stainless valve. Having said that, why then didn't I get pitting before I installed...
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    Cathodic Protection For Aluminium Kettle

    I have recently installed an electric element (like this) into my aluminium kettle. I brewed with it for the first time on the weekend and it now has very obvious pitting, which never occurred when I used a gas burner. I've done a little reading about ways to prevent pitting and according to...
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    How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Black Ipa

    Just read this post again. India black ale is a much better name than Black IPA, IMHO.
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    How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Black Ipa

    Excuse my ignorance, but how can something pale be black? It's like calling something a lager-ale. :ph34r: (flame-suit is on).
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    Microbrew Festival

    I'm going tonight. Any standout beers that are recommended?
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    Thirty Degree Rule

    Nope, all beers went from 1050 down to 1011, although the time taken to ferment out varied from 10 days for ferm 3 to 4 weeks for ferm 2.
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    Thirty Degree Rule

    I have just done an experiment with the 3068 yeast in a hefeweizen. I split the batch into 4 fermenters. Ferm 1: 100% recommended pitch rate from MrMalty, ferment at 17 deg Ferm 2: 60% recommended pitch rate, ferment at 17 deg Ferm 3: 100% recommended pitch rate, ferment at 22 deg Ferm 4: 60%...
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    Your brew-rig looks great Nala. I am currently in the process of building something similar myself. One thing I can't decide on is the best method for wort return. You mentioned that you wouldn't use your current method if you did it again. What would you do instead?
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Anybody used these beer line splitters?