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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. emnpaul

    Bottling Q's And Using Cheap Kits

    I agree the Coopers Canadian is a good kit. Not sure about the S-23 in your second brew though. It can be a bit sulphury during fermentation and needs a decent "rest" to be at it's best, which could be a bit of a step up. For mine, the S-189 would be a better option, but get 2 packs as this will...
  2. emnpaul

    Coopers European Lager Kit

    The kit yest is Fermentis Saflager s-189, which I think is Swiss lager yeast. They provide this strain as it is a true lager yeast, works well at 10-12 degrees but also gives a reasonable result at 18-20degrees for those of us without temp control. I wasn't overly impressed with the "green neck...