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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. emnpaul

    Capping Twist Top Long Neck?

    The Cuntry Brewer caps are made of a slightly thicker guage material than the Coopers and Bluetongue caps. I bent the handle of my bench capper using the Country Brewer ones on twist tops but the Blue Tongue ones go on much easier. Any of the online priming calculators will tell you how much...
  2. emnpaul

    What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Found In A Bottle Of Bee

    Perhaps not all that weird but I once found something in a bottle of ginger beer that I assumed to be a bit of ginber that had slipped through the net. Rolled it across my tongue a few times before I figured out it was a big fat blowfly. :icon_vomit:
  3. emnpaul

    Another Brew Shop Closed

    They already exist. Google Beer Machine 2000.
  4. emnpaul


    Ewww!~ :icon_vomit:
  5. emnpaul


    Nice tip Kev. The few times I've used polenta it stuck to the bottom of the pot like $#!& to a blanket and the extra water I needed to prevent this threw out my mash volume when I added it back to the main mash. I can remember from a few years back watching Getaway with Ernie Dingo doing a...
  6. emnpaul

    Flavours Not Matching The Style.

    Roasted and coffee doesn't really sound like 3% Pale Chocolate malt to me. I'd be thinking more Toasty/roasty and brown as opposed to very dark. Also with that amount of columbus late, I would think it'd have a pronounced hop finish, but I can understand that amount of bitterness playing havoc...
  7. emnpaul

    Kit Corona Recipe Please

    I reckon the Cerveza can, 250g LDME, 750g Dextrose to 23 Litres and US05, or Notto if you have it, will get you pretty close.
  8. emnpaul

    First Lager Recipe Check

    Aim for about 35, I would. Less than 30 with a low AA noble hop might not be crisp enough. More than 40 would be too much. Adjust to your taste for the next batch and you're well on your way.
  9. emnpaul

    First Lager Recipe Check

    O.K I'll bite. Not the most experienced lager brewer but I'd go with 96% Pils and 4% Carared. Bitter with Saaz as per your O.P. Wouldn't worry about any additiional hopping myself. Mash at 63* for 45 mins then raise to 72* and rest 30 mins. Perhaps most importantly go for a good long boil of...
  10. emnpaul

    Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale - Love That Yeast

    According to Mr. Malty it is the Guiness strain.
  11. emnpaul

    500gm Of Saaz Plugs $15.00

    Hmm, 10min Imperial Bo Pils? Anybody tried it?
  12. emnpaul

    Nut Brown Ale..... I Think.

    Does the ESB tin have any late hop flavour/aroma?
  13. emnpaul

    Coopers- What Gives?

    Yes. A VB label can taint a beer by being in the same room. It's getting harder and harder to find but there is another commercial brew called ld". Kent Old is worth a look if you can find it. It's more along the lines of a nut brown ale although I think it's actually a larger. Pretty good...
  14. emnpaul

    Coopers- What Gives?

    Don't bother. It's like VB with a handfull of roast barley thrown in as an afterthought. Really it's crap. You could be forgiven for thinking they really were trying to make it taste like ****. Save your money and put it towards a tallie of Southwark stout and a stubbie or two of Cascade...
  15. emnpaul

    Reciepe Check- German Lager

    Do you know the AA% of your hops?
  16. emnpaul

    Reciepe Check- German Lager

    Looks like a nice Helles waiting to happen. I'd increase boil and mash times to 90 minutes. Even think about a stepped mash if you are equipped to do it but it's no big deal either way. Also bitter at 60 mins as already advised by Yum Beer.
  17. emnpaul

    Imperial Christmas Stout

    The exact method varies depending on who's doing it but usually consists of grabbing a few tins of malt extract maybe more depending on your batch size. Steeping some spec grains. Sparging your spec grains. Adding your liquor (collected sparge water and runnings from grains) to a big pot along...
  18. emnpaul

    Imperial Christmas Stout

    The effect of oats on smoothing out beers is in my experience exaggerated. If it's smoothness you are after an extract brew would be the way to go but with enhanced quality comes enhanced work... If you want to do it there should be some recipes in the database that can be converted to spec...
  19. emnpaul

    Throw Out Your Cubes

    Simple. Dry hop all your beers with 100g of POR and you'll never get Botulism.
  20. emnpaul

    What are you listening to

    The night they drove old dixie down/Johnny Cash