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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. emnpaul

    Fermenting Mandarin?

    Ya think? 1.7kg copers lager and a kilo of sugar is cheap. Cruisers are a massive rip off unless you're comparing them with Westvelerteren trippel, but only a total knob would do that. :P
  2. emnpaul

    Burton Ale Yeast, Suggest Some Recipes?

    Best kit beer I ever made was a Golden Ale with Burton ale yeast. 1.7Kg Cooper's CAnadian Blonde 1.0Kg LDME 250g Dextrose 20g EKG (dry 72 hrs) 10g Challenger ((would go 20 next time)72hrs) WLP023 Burton Ale yeast Good drop that. Throws a bit of sulphur during latter stages of fermentation but...
  3. emnpaul

    Munich Dunkel

    Nein herr Daust. :angry: Der bier ist dunklerbock! Or possibly weihnachtsbock. Edit: Schpelling!
  4. emnpaul

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    How many flavours of chapstick does Elton John own? One. Chaps dicks only come in man seed.
  5. emnpaul

    Free Entire 2 Year Por Old Hop Plant

    :D :D No probs. It's a huge rhizome and I'm not after kilo's of POR. Just a few brews worth so I can make my own mind up if it's as bad as everyone, oops I mean most people, make out. @ kelby: Got a columbus and chinook here and if I get time and can get some cuttings rooted I'll sling you...
  6. emnpaul

    Free Entire 2 Year Por Old Hop Plant

    I followed the 2011 hop thread periodically but did indeed miss the post you were referring to Wolofy. Scary Stuff, but I'm up for the challenge. I've spent a bit of time working in Rutherford and digging it's horrible black clay soil and the terroir where I live is quite different. I'm hoping...
  7. emnpaul

    Irish Red

    Irish guy at work had this to say "Ahh fook Kilkenny. That shites just for American tourists. Nobody drinks that in Ireland." Or not in Erin anyway. Many Americans actually like Bud but I'll let you draw your own conclusions. I'm led to believe you won't hear a whole lot of "Top o' the morning"...
  8. emnpaul

    How Long Can Grain Be Kept For?

    I get mine from Duane at Amber Nectar but as luck would have it I drive past a his front door a couple of times a week and generally brew a day or two after getting my gear. Family, work and study commitments prevent me from brewing on too big a scale so bulk buying (and it's associated storage...
  9. emnpaul

    Irish Red

    You're right on both counts. Sorry. I will in future finish my morning coffee before making any wild statements.
  10. emnpaul

    Irish Red

    Irish red? Edit: Just saw your link. 3rd place at vicbrew, not bad. Re-edit: As a counterpoint, however, from BCS "Irish Red is a balanced beer with moderate malt character" and "it is important to use restraint with with dark malts, caramel malts (which to my mind include the Cara's), and...
  11. emnpaul

    How Long Can Grain Be Kept For?

    Yes and yes. I suspect they also lose some of their diastatic power as well and this may apply to uncracked grains as well, although my evidence of this is limited and anecdotal. Led to believe they'll keep longer in the bottom of your fridge but I haven't tried it out myself as after one bad...
  12. emnpaul

    Irish Red

    I'd back off on the Cara malts a bit, around 300g would be plenty and drop the Carapils entirely. Late hops aren't really a component of Irish beers that I can recall so I'd give the EKG a miss and move the Fuggles back to around 45-60 mins. Unless you just want to hop it late because you like...
  13. emnpaul

    Advice On Lagers

    I believe the answer is indefinitely. They'll just take longer to carbonate. Assuming you're not going to micro filter or pasteurise. I've racked, gelatined and polyclared and lagered for six weeks and still had good carbonation inside four weeks. A bigger problem for me was being able to...
  14. emnpaul

    How Hard Do You Find It To Convert Megaswillers

    I wouldn't bother. Convert enough of them and the Gov. will put an excise on HB products to make up what they're losing on megaswill.
  15. emnpaul

    Advice On Hydrometer And Refract. Readings Please

    To the OP, I'm on my second brew cellar hydrometer and they both read 1002 in 20 degree tap water, give or take a bee's dick. It stands to reason that two hydrometers from the same manufacturer, made on the same equipment will read the same or very close to it. That being the case I'd say your...
  16. emnpaul

    Whats Your Favourite/best Kit Can

    As it is a weight to volume dilution you need to first multiply by your kit's weight, then divide by volume. I.e: 270(ibu) X 1.7(kg) = 459 Then 459/23 = 19.957 IBU
  17. emnpaul

    Top 10 Yeasts

    I use and enjoy: Coopers commercial strain WLP 023 Burton Ale WLP 011 Euro Ale WLP 833 Bock Lager WLP 838 Southern German Lager I think we need a thread for yeasts that were disappointing or you wouldn't use again. WLP 002 was a bit earthy for my tastes, I like mushrooms but not in my beer...
  18. emnpaul

    My Next Brew: Little Creatures Pale Ale

    Boonies LCPA.
  19. emnpaul

    Capping Twist Top Long Neck?

    Oh, O.K. I didn't know that. I might have to revisit Country Brewer caps when my 2000 odd Blue Tongue caps run out. :P