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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. emnpaul

    RecipeDB - Midnight Train Malt Liquor

    Yeah. Partly what got me interested was the cereal mash and as luck would have it there's an Aldi about 6 doors down from my brew shop. I Haven't decided whether to go for US-05 or Nottingham but since I only have access to Notto in liquid form I'll probably end up going US-05 unless anyone...
  2. emnpaul

    RecipeDB - Midnight Train Malt Liquor

    Got some cascade coming too. I'll sub that for the Chinook at 60 mins. Cheers!
  3. emnpaul

    RecipeDB - Midnight Train Malt Liquor

    I am contemplating a batch of this just for a bit of fun. Does anyone have any refinements on the recipe in the data base? Would POR be an acceptable hop for this when used as a FWH? I have some as part of a bulk buy and need to use them up. Although at about 14g for a whole batch of malt...
  4. emnpaul

    Electric Smoker Converter

    Do you have the rest of the smoker? When I read the thread title I thought "Hmm, home made rauch malt." That might be your best option. Your steel plate water heater idea might work but you'll need to know the wattage (not sure of the BTU conversion) of the element to determine it's...
  5. emnpaul

    Whats Your Fav American Hops?

    Are an NZ hop. I vote for Willamette.
  6. emnpaul

    No Chill And Myths Of Rapid Chilling

    Not sure people really champion it. It's more a case of it being a valid alternative for people without the time, space, money "give a rats" to go rapid chilling. Just another means to the same end.
  7. emnpaul

    No Chill And Myths Of Rapid Chilling

    I made the "mistake" of no chilling a Munich Helles when I first started AG brewing as I was under the impression that DMS precursors were boiled off by a nice long boil. After no chilling overnight and a four week ferment plus lagering etc. there is no noticeable DMS in the finished beer. It...
  8. emnpaul

    Advise On How To Wire Up A Rocker Switch

    Sorry, too hard to tell from the pictures. The main thing is to make sure you don't have any strands hanging out when putting the crimp terminals on and not to knick the inner insulation when stripping the cord/circular. Aside from that make sure nothing can get wet and for your own protection...
  9. emnpaul

    Advise On How To Wire Up A Rocker Switch

    Yep. If using 240V use the neutral wire.
  10. emnpaul

    Hot Water Service As A Hlt

    If you're intending it to be inside then gas is out as you need to vent the carbon dioxide+monoxide to the atmosphere where it can melt ice caps and flood third world countries. As others have posted your outlet (tap) temp is regulated to 55*C by means of thermostatic mixing valve except under...
  11. emnpaul

    What Does Your Beer Say About You?

    Do you realise that as you scull malt liquor from that coke bottle the sign above your head says "lost dog"? Classic.
  12. emnpaul

    Advise On How To Wire Up A Rocker Switch

    You will probably need a seperate rocker switch and weatherproof enclosure. The caravan socket will need to be mounted through the lid of an adaptable box with a gasket to make it weatherproof. I have a feeling you can buy them already made up like this but it's been a while since I installed...
  13. emnpaul

    Why Is My Yeast Not Doing Anything?

    Got some Milton in the cupboard. It does say "shake off excess solution before using immediately" which implies it's no use. Below that it says"Note-made up solution is non-toxic for people." Kind of implies it's more effective at killing yeast than babies. It is a sanitising solution designed...
  14. emnpaul

    Why Is My Yeast Not Doing Anything?

    As long as you are confident you've rinsed the Milton out then I wouldn't worry until at least Monday. The age of the yeast can have some bearing on how long it takes to get going. As does yeasst quantity, storage temp, pitching temp etc. If you need a faster start then use more Coopers dregs...
  15. emnpaul

    Ordinary Response Local Home Brew Store

    I always considered myself fortunate to live near a decent home brew shop, but after reading this thread I appreciate just how lucky I am. You can get bulk grain at a pretty good price, cracked to order, bulk hops also packed to order if required. Keg gear, lines, dry and liquid yeast. You...
  16. emnpaul

    Fs: Chinook And Columbus Rhizomes

    G'day Dazza. Not sure if you got my PM. I can call in and pick up the rhizomes on Saturday or Sunday morning if it suits. Let me know if that's convenient or we can arrange another time. Cheers
  17. emnpaul

    Fs: Chinook And Columbus Rhizomes

    G'day Darran. Can I also get one of your Columbus rhizomes please. Cheers Paul
  18. emnpaul

    Cooper Stout W/ Rye And Oats

    Similar, according to the chart, yes. That tells only half the story though. Whilst they may be very similar in terms of their aromatic and bitter oil percentages their flavour is quite different. Cascade is often described as "citrusy" and "fruity" where as Willamette, like Fuggles, is often...
  19. emnpaul

    Recipe Advice Ipa Nz Hops

    More than likeley yes. I have noticed a small amount of break material in lighhter kits and extract beers I've made and I daresay it's there in darks as well but less noticeable. Possibly there will be a bit more break in a Homebrand beer kit as they are supplied by "regular" extract...
  20. emnpaul

    Best Stock Pot For Biab

    The short answer is stainless 19L from Big W. The question is what do you see yourself doing with it in future and what are you using to heat it? The big element on my stove is flat out holding a rolling boil with 17 litres in my 19L stockpot. Any bigger and I don't think it would boil. A lot...