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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Salt

    Cooling Kettle

    Hey, Just put down my first extract following Neills Centenarillo Ale. Things went well and tasted pretty good once added to the fermenter. Just have a question regarding cooling. I have read a number of articles/tips etc saying that following a boil you need to cool the wort before adding it...
  2. Salt

    Too Many Ideas To Start With...

    Cheers mate, thanks for the advice... I hear you on the cleaning and sanitizing...definately need to ensure this practise is followed. Im going to go with Neills Centenarillo PA for a start. Why not. Im sure that it will be far superior that my normal Kit and Brew Enhancer with kit...
  3. Salt

    Too Many Ideas To Start With...

    Thanks a heap QldKev, will take your advice...I'd like to think I am pretty practile and organised so will give this a go...!
  4. Salt

    Too Many Ideas To Start With...

    Hahaha Yum Beer, yeah you're right it does come across that way... I think as you say, take time, plan it out and it should be sweet. I think I will attempt something without grain to start with, and use a Kit and Some DME, with a small boil and one type of hop. Once I am happy with that, I...
  5. Salt

    Too Many Ideas To Start With...

    I'll try and keep this short, but after weeks of reading this forum and scouring the net for recipe ideas/tips/techniques etc, I am over-whelmed with ideas of where to start, and what to start with... I have a basic set up, understand most techniques in terms of K&K, Extract and Steeping Grains...
  6. Salt

    Help With First Extract+grain Recipe

    Wow, such quick replies. Thanks heaps for the advice so far, and definitely welcome more. Yes, I wasnt sure about using a pre-hopped branded kit such as the Coopers Pale Ale in regards to the Hop additions. So thanks for the tips on this. Am I better off to use unhopped kits and try using DME...
  7. Salt

    Help With First Extract+grain Recipe

    Hey all, I have just got back into Homebrewing after a long break since my uni days of drinking below par homebrew made by just chucking a tin of malt and some sugar in the fermenter and hoping it will come out alright. Anyways, after doing a bit of research and nights of reading over and over...