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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Fraser's BRB

    How soon should I see a Krausen?

    As others have said, hydrate next time for quicker results. I used to do what you've done and it can take as long as 36 hours on occasion with US-05. If you're worried about it, pop the top and have a look. I used to be real panicky about taking the top off a fermenter but now I often do if I...
  2. Fraser's BRB

    I built a keezer

    Looks the business mate, I really like the stain against the black freezer. The one thing I regret not doing on mine was building a base, would have made it much easier to drain and move around. Have you considered some insulation around the inside of your collar? I don't know how much...
  3. Fraser's BRB

    The Chiko Handy know you want one

    Screw you guys, all this Chiko talk and I had to go and get one. It was delicious. Took me back to when I was an apprentice and could eat whatever I wanted with no fear of the consequences. Sadly those days are gone...
  4. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass

    Another beautifully staged beer photo from Droid. Kudos.
  5. Fraser's BRB

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Great effort getting the scores up Sunday night guys, top work. :super: Pretty happy with my first outing in a comp getting all three beers above pass mark, looking forward to the scoring sheets for feedback.
  6. Fraser's BRB

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Munich Dunkel and an ESB in the fermenters by 2.30, good brew day.
  7. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Nice. Yeah holiday, 3 weeks in Sep
  8. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    ******* bank. Even Travelex is offering 1AUD=1.0135NZD. I got stung because I didn't check. A week ago I got 1AUD=1.02NZD, with the same bank, just assumed it would be around the same. That said, the NZD been strengthening apparently. Edit: On the plus side, it was only a small...
  9. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    The exchange rate on the NZD right now. Just got 1AUD = 0.98NZD, WTF?! Did we lose a war?! I mean I know it's been a long time since we've won the Bledisloe, but this is an outrage!
  10. Fraser's BRB

    The Chiko Handy know you want one

    I can't believe I've lived my life to this point without one!
  11. Fraser's BRB

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Good luck to all the judges, stewards and entrants this weekend. This is my first comp, I'm excited to get the feedback.
  12. Fraser's BRB

    Show us your brewrig

    Just read this thread from page 1. So much stainless brew p0rn. I'm inspired, amazed and upset all at the same time. So many options, so little space, time and money...
  13. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    They see me rollin'. They hatin'.
  14. Fraser's BRB

    Lazy yak or Carlton draught?

    I found Lazy Yak to be a terrible beer, but nothing like Carlton Draught.
  15. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Testify! I second this line of thinking. Fats good, eggs good, nuts good. Sugar (in the amounts it is used in most "Western" diets) bad. That said, nothing is bad or good, it's the dosage that matters.
  16. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    This is different from blood cholesterol though. They came to the (scientifically backed) conclusion that dietary cholesterol was not the hazard they'd previously thought it was and didn't directly translate to higher blood cholesterol. Much the same as many have now come to the correct...
  17. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Eggs. I eat 3 eggs with some veggies in a frittata every morning for breakfast, blood work always shows slightly high total cholesterol, but the good to bad ratio is really good. Doctors have quizzed me about it a couple of times and the eggs is what they put it down to.
  18. Fraser's BRB

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    I harvested the yeast cake off my Octoberfest that tastes amazing and I'm going to pitch it into a Munich Dunkel this weekend. This will be my first of the style, but based on the success of my Octoberfest, I'm quietly excited about this one. Recipe: Munich Dunkel Brewer: BRB Asst Brewer...
  19. Fraser's BRB

    My micro brewery dream

    Just found this thread, inspiring stuff. Looks like there were some delays from your last post to opening Matty (approx 6 months). Not that I find that unexpected, but what happened? I'm guessing red tape of some description, but given your earlier posts it looked like it was all but over the...
  20. Fraser's BRB

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    But patience is a virtue Droid. Seriously though, it's the first time I've ever felt compelled to drink a full glass of beer straight off the cake.