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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Fraser's BRB

    Magpie swooping season

    That hat is brilliant. Take your trademark and market those bad boys to the world!
  2. Fraser's BRB

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    Not surprising, Bunnings weren't going to let a Masters clearance sale take any dollars of them for a few months.
  3. Fraser's BRB

    Hop Dealz Australia

    Site says Simcoe yet to be split, any of that coming up soon?
  4. Fraser's BRB

    NSW State Comp 2016

    ^^ What he said. Top effort to Stu and the team, feedback mostly reinforced what I saw in the beers, other than one surprise comment that I'll have to revisit the beer to look for it. Looking forward to being able to get more involved next year.
  5. Fraser's BRB

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Dr Smurto's Golden this weekend, it's pretty much one of two house beers around here and gets smashed every time I brew it. It's a great beer. :beerbang:
  6. Fraser's BRB


    Resurrecting this one. Got a full lemon tree and looking to make something tasty. I like the looks of GMK's and Backlane Brewery's recipes (page 2 of this thread, link below), anyone tried these or similar?
  7. Fraser's BRB

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    Article about the local Masters, fire sale due to start this weekend. Home Consortium has bought the sites and are in negotiations with companies including Anaconda, JB Hi-Fi, Super Amart, BBQs Galore and Dan Murphys to take over the sites...
  8. Fraser's BRB

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    What a joke. This is everything that is wrong with our current political class. PC ********.
  9. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Old is the choice when choice is limited.
  10. Fraser's BRB

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    They had sausage sizzles at my local (Rutherford).
  11. Fraser's BRB

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    Interestingly, Bunnings don't actually own the majority of their sites. Most are owned by a property trust called BWP who rent them back to Bunnings on long term leases. The remainder are owned by cashed up private investors.
  12. Fraser's BRB

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    The vitriol about job losses is overblown. The announcement also mentions that all the Masters sites have been sold to another group that owns Spotlight, Chemist Warehouse and a few other home improvement type businesses I can't recall. Basically they're going to redevelop the sites to multi...
  13. Fraser's BRB

    Woolworths to exit Masters hardware venture

    The Woolies announcement also includes the sale of Home Timber and Hardware to Metcash (owners of Mitre 10) so that will create a new mega retailer. Bunnings won't have it all their own way.
  14. Fraser's BRB

    BREWMAN News

    Alright you talked me into it, order placed for some of that delicious dark bohemian, boh pils and some others.
  15. Fraser's BRB

    Dulce de leche - adjunct

    Haven't brewed it yet, but this is the recipe in question. Sub Lactose with Dulce de leche. Recipe: Old Tart Porter Brewer: BRB Asst Brewer: Style: Brown Porter TYPE: All Grain Taste: (30.0) Recipe Specifications -------------------------- Boil Size: 27.89 l Post Boil Volume: 26.00 l Batch...
  16. Fraser's BRB

    Kegging Setups

    We don't need that kind of negativity in our lives, don't associate with THOSE people.
  17. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    My brother brought me back this bar runner from Tasmania some years ago. Never had the beer, always just thought it was a cool name.
  18. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass

    That's one of my favourites. I've just brewed another one and substituted some Simpsons Heritage medium crystal in for some of the light crystal. Hoping it works out well as the Simpsons Heritage is fantastic.
  19. Fraser's BRB

    Dulce de leche - adjunct

    Nice one, yeah should be round next Friday.
  20. Fraser's BRB

    Dulce de leche - adjunct

    Well you better bring a bottle over for sharing then!