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  1. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Haha, I like the part where you weren't sure how this one would go so you cracked it with the inlaws :)
  2. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Yeah and that's just my inexperience with the style, I'm used to Gernan wheat beers. Pacific Ale as a descriptor would fit for mine, but again, far from an expert. I am yet to use motueka, although it's also in the citrus lager I had after yours and it came through very differently in yours...
  3. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Must have been a really bad day, 2 beers on a school night. 5 Reman's Citrus Lager Once again, disclaimer, rookie palate. Poured well, good level of carbonation. Appearance, good colour, slightly hazy initially but cleared up nicely (haze possibly from citrus addition). Like Paulyman...
  4. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Disclaimer, rookie palate. 12 Fungrel's American Lawnmower After a crappy day at work, I broke my usual rule and cracked a beer on a school night. I regret nothing. First up, this beer is a cracker. Perfect drinking for a hot afternoon and would work really well after mowing the lawn...
  5. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    I tell you what, based on the day I'm having, you'll probably get some feedback from me on yours tonight. I'll try not to let the tone of my day influence my review :)
  6. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    Thanks Barls, top day, looking forward to tasting some great beers.
  7. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    1.barls - cherry wit, rtd 15/12 2. Mikeyr 3. Fraser's BRB - ESB, force carbed so ready to drink 4.mattfos01 5. Reman 6.Contrarian 7. Nickr 8. Marksy 9. welly2 10. Paulyman - Gose (rtd) 11. old grumpy bastard who like fruit beers and strange concoctions 12. Fungrel - American Lawnmower (Wheat) -...
  8. Fraser's BRB

    Mini Keg Bulk Buy MKIII

    For those that have used theirs more than I have mine, is there value in getting a mini-reg for each keg? I only got the 1 mini-reg for 2 x kegs (I have 2 of everything else) and am now wondering if I should get a second mini reg so I can pour from both at the same time rather than draining one...
  9. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    Just bottled mine off the keg, being my first attempt at that filling method, accept my apologies for small variances in filled volumes between bottles. Being new to this whole concept, I take it I write my number (3) on the lid of each one? Anyone who was planning on catching a ride down and...
  10. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    barls snags and cheese n87 nice crusty rolls Beamer - saucy chicken wings Fraser's BRB - sauerkraut
  11. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    If you're agreeable, I can do up a nice batch of sauerkraut to go with the sausages and cheese rolls?
  12. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    I'll be driving down from The Entrance and back that afternoon if you want a lift. Let me know. I'll be in a station wagon so there's plenty of room. Offer stands for anyone else between The Entrance and Sydney also (up to 4 including me).
  13. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    Kegged my Hefe and ESB on the weekend, will do a thorough taste test in a few days to confirm which one goes in the bottles for the swap. I'm open to suggestion on what food you want me to bring, otherwise I'll figure something out.
  14. Fraser's BRB

    Changing mash temp for effect - hot weather beers

    Cheers guys, I'll have a play with ingredients and temps and see what happens.
  15. Fraser's BRB

    Changing mash temp for effect - hot weather beers

    Coming in to the hotter months (today was 36 deg here, but early for that!), I've been turning my mind to brewing something easy drinking and crisp on the finish. I have a pale ale recipe that I'm happy with that I mash at 66deg but it still has a reasonable amount of malt character and medium...
  16. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    So after some earlier pull outs, did we end up with a new venue for this? Having been away I'm behind in my brewing schedule, doing a double this weekend, so mine will either be a Hefe or an ESB. The Hefe is first time for me, so it could be dicey.
  17. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    Last weekend in November in Sydney works for me. Better pull my finger out and get my brew schedule back up and humming.
  18. Fraser's BRB

    A man, his wife and their toddler go to NZ...

    At this point you can probably see our first mistake in that we were overly rushed in the first five days. We covered a lot of ground but didn't get to stop and do some of the things we would have liked because of the time limitations. This came about from my desire to get to Nelson for the...
  19. Fraser's BRB

    A man, his wife and their toddler go to NZ...

    OK, on to where we went and what we did along with what we'd do differently next time. Brief outline, the whole purpose of the trip was to attend a friend's wedding in Queenstown. We landed and departed from Christchurch. Landed NZ on 13 Sep, had to be in Queenstown for 18-20 Sep, returned...