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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass

    This one is an Old Ale that I brewed for my Apex Club's 1500th dinner meeting in February. I bottled it two weeks prior to the dinner and being 8% ABV it was hard to say how it was going to turn out going into the bottle as the boozy flavours needed time to settle down. I was more than a...
  2. Fraser's BRB

    Batch Sparge/Efficiency Analysis - Kai Troester's work

    Yes and there's the rub. I've been doing it the way I have mainly so I'm not adding more time and effort to my brew day. I have been chasing more efficiency to reduce grain bill and have recently modified my MT so that I can recirculate in the chase for efficiency points. This also meant...
  3. Fraser's BRB

    Batch Sparge/Efficiency Analysis - Kai Troester's work

    Cheers Adr. Yes, Beersmith tells me my mash efficiency is around 70% I have plenty of headspace in my boil kettle so could add at least another 10L pre-boil if required. As to the rest, I can't really add any more strike water in my preferred MT (it's bang on 30L and with the 20L water and...
  4. Fraser's BRB

    Batch Sparge/Efficiency Analysis - Kai Troester's work

    Not to derail the thread and feel free to move post elsewhere, but something that was said earlier has me curious. On my 3V rig, I've always batch sparged (equipment limitations mean fly sparging is currently out of reach), I have two mash tuns, one 30L and the other 50L, the smaller is easier...
  5. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass

    Great photo, I'm counting down to the end of working all weekend and that's making me thirsty.
  6. Fraser's BRB

    Where to start?

    Or "How to Brew" by John Palmer, that's where I started.
  7. Fraser's BRB

    What's wrong with this picture?

    What Dan said. I complained about this when I bought mine, you need to buy extra stainless and rubber washers.
  8. Fraser's BRB

    Survey results

    This is the widely agreed upon solution between myself and the wife and we've been meaning to but it hasn't happened yet. Friday's in June are all full at this stage, so might look at July/August.
  9. Fraser's BRB

    Post your 2017 GABS pics here

    GABS Melbourne was awesome. I'd done the Sydney one a few years ago and have to say the Melbourne one is way better due to the venue and location. SWMBO and I had season passes as the mistake was made last time of only doing one session (that led to 50 beers in short order and blotto by the...
  10. Fraser's BRB

    Survey results

    Speaking from my personal experience, originally I wasn't interested in competitions because I didn't really care how my beers rated, I liked them, my friends and family liked them, that was all that mattered. After a while though, I wanted to know how independent, arms length, third-parties...
  11. Fraser's BRB

    Most ridiculous price you have paid for a beer

    $100 on a 700ml Scottish heavy ale who's name escapes me right now. It was good, but not that good and based on the place I bought it, I suspect it was heavily marked up.
  12. Fraser's BRB

    Name the bar

    A horse walked inn
  13. Fraser's BRB

    GABS 2017

    Just got my season passes for SWMBO and myself for the Melbourne GABS. Have to say, I'm pretty excited. 170 beers brewed just for the festival! Sideline talks!! Brewery stands!!! I went to the Sydney one a few years ago and it was awesome but I'm led to believe that Melbourne is a step up...
  14. Fraser's BRB

    Mini Keg Discussion / Mods / Show Off - Dedicated Thread

    Sigh, been off here for some time, came back hoping to find an easy answer to the great mini-reg problem of 2016. Sadly no luck by the looks of it. Might have to get a big reg and go soda-stream.
  15. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass

    This beer isn't mine, but the colour is too glorious not to share and give the accolades to Barls. Barls' Cherry Wit from the NSW Christmas Case Swap, great beer, good cherry on the nose and front palate followed by a dry finish, very nice!
  16. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Barls Cherry Wit. What a pearler! Poured well, perhaps a little under carbonated. The colour is amazing as per pic below. Aroma is good with plenty of cherry on the nose and this follows through in the flavour. Good cherry flavours upfront with a dry finish which does nicely on a hot day...
  17. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    On a roll. 17. drclaybro. RIS 'czar's red'. As advertised, a gusher. It's a shame because what I did get in glass was delicious with a good coffee note and warming alcohol.
  18. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Getting ready for road trip, needed beers. 4, mattfos01 kolsch. Enjoyed it thoroughly on a warm evening. Poured well with good carbonation, appearance is crystal clear straw colour. Nose and flavour, pine needles, resin, nice and fresh. Good beer, well done. 6, Contrarian brett saison...
  19. Fraser's BRB

    Mini Keg Discussion / Mods / Show Off - Dedicated Thread

    Interested to hear results, I had the same issue on the weekend. Reg worked fine last time I used it, this time, no good. Ended up using mini-kegs as oversized growlers which was less than satisfying. Haven't tried reg since, but tried two different bulbs for same result.
  20. Fraser's BRB

    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    10 Paulyman's Gose Extra disclaimer, this is only my second gose and I was not a fan of the first (a commercial offering) because of too much salt. Did a double brew day today in 38 degree heat. Then cracked this gose. I honestly don't know how to describe it, but I'll give it a go. Poured...