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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Fraser's BRB

    Whats In The Glass

    Galaxy Pale while brewing my 25th AG brew, an Octoberfest. I've posted this beer before but this is much better picture to showcase the clarity that I'm pretty happy with.
  2. Fraser's BRB

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Tomorrow's brew will be my 25th all grain brew. So I'm marking the occasion by doing my first German Lager, an Octoberfest. My Apex club is having an Octoberfest this year, so this will be ready just in time. Recipe: Octoberfestivus Brewer: BRB Asst Brewer: Style: Oktoberfest/Märzen TYPE...
  3. Fraser's BRB

    NSW xmas case swap

    New guy here, missed the mid-year but have been following the tasting notes with interest. I'm very keen. 1.barls 2. Mikeyr 3. Fraser's BRB 4
  4. Fraser's BRB

    No Topic Thread

    I can't believe I have lived my life to this point with no knowledge of this product. It has a holster. Shut up and take my money.
  5. Fraser's BRB

    Just when I thought I'd made every mistake possible.......

    Yes, that is a problem. I messed up SWMBO's stove top last night. Done quite a few yeast starters now with no issue, got cocky last night and of course, boil over, sticky mess. Ceramic stove top, but a lot of work to get the mess off.