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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MCHammo

    2019 NSW Amateur Home Brewing Championship

    Official word regarding the 2020 competition: NSW 2020 Home brewing Competition – NSW Home Brewing Association We are still working toward running the competition, however with the recent resurgence in COVID-19 cases over the last couple of weeks, it has lead to complications regarding venues...
  2. MCHammo

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

    I don't think any of our other local styles are about to be incorporated into the BJCP any time soon. But have you noticed the appendix at the end of the guidelines with other local styles? (Argentinian and Italian styles) does anyone know - hypothetically - what it would take to have our other...
  3. MCHammo

    NSW State comp 2017

    Yep, re-brewed my bitter today. Really didn't expect that beer to place! Congrats to all placegetters, to Stu, Brendan and Col for another well run comp, and thanks to the judges and stewards for putting in the time and effort to make the comp happen!
  4. MCHammo

    NSW State comp 2017

    We might have to ask that any entries dropped off to The Brew Shops in Campbelltown and Nowra be in by Thursday 24th August. This is to ensure that we can get them all over to Peakhurst for collection. I'll be along to judge again this year, but I think I can only make the Saturday. I'll...
  5. MCHammo

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    My second year Serranos from Bunnings are going absolutely nuts again - probably 60 or so pods growing between the two plants. The Birds Eyes and Jalapeños are going well. Habs from a few years ago all died over winter (last time I let my parents look after anything). New Hab seedlings have...
  6. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Hi Headmeister, I sent out your voucher for strong ale on 17/09/16 to the email address I was given. Maybe check your spam folder? If you don't have anything in there, shoot me a PM or email (ESB/The Brew Shop) and I can re-send that. Andrew.
  7. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Competition home page -
  8. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    We've got our deadlines now, entries need to be received in Adelaide by the 30th September. To make sure we have enough time to collect and despatch the entries, we will need to have all entries in to our stores by the following dates: Peakhurst: 4pm 24/09 Kirrawee: 12pm 24/09 Alexandria: 5pm...
  9. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    We'll be taking entries again at The Brew Shop [Peakhurst]. We will accept entries at our other stores, but they will need to be in earlier so that they can be consolidated and shipped together. I'll advise on cutoff dates at our locations when Stu can get some more info on this. We'll also be...
  10. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Entries from The Brew Shop (all locations) have already been picked up, with the exception of Alexandria, which will be collected at COB today (6pm)
  11. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Whilst Nowra is accepting entries, they will also need to be in a couple of days early so that they can be brought up to Sydney. COB on 11th, as they will be brought up to Sydney on the Friday morning.
  12. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Entries are due at the store by the 13th, so there is no problem there!
  13. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    That might depend on where they're sent. I receive mail entries every year at The Brew Shop in Peakhurst (if you're mailing to us rather than the showground, please only mail to the Peakhurst store so I can keep them together for collection). I will not unpack entries, as there's then no chance...
  14. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2016

    So very shiny. Extra motivation to get brewing. I'll be there to help out with judging as well this year. Don't forget Brettles. I think even Barry will find it hard to beat him this year.
  15. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2015

    Could have been an infection in that bottle? I've had that happen before. State comp last year, in fact.
  16. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2015

    If the ESB comp is anything to go by, popularity doesn't equate to quality. It's a popular style, so lots of people brew it. It doesn't mean they are all true to style. I thought the same as you going in, that there would be a lot of well made beers in there, but appears not to bee the case...
  17. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2015

    I only entered two beers this year, and picked up a first and a second. Can't really ask for much more than that! First time off to the nationals. Good luck to all!
  18. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2015

    All entries dropped off to The Brew Shop(s) were picked up this morning. You can all relax now. Good luck to all!
  19. MCHammo

    NSW State Comp 2015

    Could someone from Hunter Brewers actually call me with this information? I'm accepting entries here, but have been given zero information. Barry was under the impression that somebody from Hunter Brewers was going to come and collect the entries (I tried contacting someone to get some...
  20. MCHammo

    2015 ESB Homebrew Competition

    Just a shame that my best bitter and ESB weren't quite so good! Attempting to fix up a few flaws with the Best Bitter tomorrow. I'm fairly sure it was mainly bottling/potential oxidation issues that let the BB down. Will need to see how the new bottle filling gun works out for the Castle Hill...