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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    3/8 inch soft copper tube 15m

    Exposure to vibration will work harden copper pipes.
  2. D

    3/8 inch soft copper tube 15m

    Just re-anneal it. Copper is good like that.
  3. D

    Open Fermentation

    If the airlock generates 1" of head before bubbling (rough guess because I don't have an airlock here to measure), it would put ~0.0361psi on the fermenting wort.
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    KegLand Questions and Answers

    @KegLand-com-au I have one of these mini-regs, but I've somehow lost the washer that sits in there. Ergo, leaking CO2. Is it possible to get a spare? (preferably a few - if I can lose one, I can lose more than one :doofus:)
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    Keg King Conversation

    These 6 & 8 keg units sound interesting, but for those of us restricted (more or less) to the dimensions of the existing units: is there a new shiny in the KK pipeline?
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    Coca Cola/Rheem kegs

    No guarantees, but Bracton sometimes have odd parts hanging around. Melbourne and Sydney offices.
  7. D

    Sodium Percarbonate - rinse?

    Try a fresh wort kit or two. That will help narrow down whether it's the cans or something else.
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    9 Litre kegs x 3 Italian

    I'm tipping Lawrence, NSW ;). About half-way between Coffs Harbour and Ballina.
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    10 Gallon mash tun capacity

    Yep, new mash tun required. The most I've ever squeezed into my 50 litre mash tun was 12kg. Very thick mash, and constantly paranoid about overflow. I'd say you want 60 litres minimum, probably bigger.
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    10 Gallon mash tun capacity

    If it is 10 US gallons (~38 litres) then about 9 KG of grain. If it is 10 imperial gallons (~45.5 litres), you could get about 10.5kg in.
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    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Basically the FOB stops the flow when it detects gas; the flow stopper stops the flow when it detects liquid.
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    Hacking the thermostat on a fridge so it chills to zero

    On most fridges you can bypass the internal thermostat entirely, making the fridge run constantly. Just a matter of unplugging wires, and joining them up correctly. Don't attempt this if you don't know what you are doing. Get a proper fridgey out to do the job. Then you just get hold of an...
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    Will wort keep for 24 hours? In stock @ BigW Lilydale:drinkingbeer:.
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    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Suddenly very urgent (from my perspective): what's the ETA on the fermenting fridge? Mine appears to have given up the ghost :thumbsdown:. Only 30-something years old (it has freon as the refrigerant :eek:), and over a decade since i rescued it from the side of the road. They just don't make...
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    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Not just KL either. They have been talking to several brewing/winemaking/etc suppliers since a few homebrewing posties (in both delivery and behind the scenes) identified various items passing through the system.
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    Working Fridge Free To A Good(?) Home

    And it's gone! Hope she does another 40+ years service with ramu_gupta.
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    Working Fridge Free To A Good(?) Home

    Greetings all and sundry, As the topic title suggests, I have a fridge to donate to someone -- and the sooner the better! The fridge is located in Marvellous Mitcham, down here in Sunny Victoria. Details of the fridge are as follows: Astor Spacemaker 12 (designed and made in Australia!)...