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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Commercial customers would have no problems getting a rewire to suit, while a homebrewer is likely to need a dedicated outlet installed either way. More are likely to have single phase than three phase. Ultimately your sales data will tell you which option suits the majority of your customers.
  2. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    No worries. Is there a reason you opted for the single phase industrial plug as opposed to a 32A GPO?
  3. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Would 32A single phase be adequate?
  4. D

    CO2 Back up

    Unfortunately the gauges won't tell you how much is left. The only way to do it is to weigh the cylinder. The information about cylinder weight, fill capacity, etc should be stamped on the neck. Weigh it before and after you bottle. After a few batches, you should have a rough idea of how...
  5. D

    Electric brewery options

    The nominal supply voltage for Australia (excluding WA) is 230V, -6% + 10% (so 216V - 253V). We still call it 240V because most people don't know about the change. And because it's what we've always called it.
  6. D

    Heating efficiency and cleaning simplicity

    I'd get a couple of 32A single phase outlets on separate breakers fitted, as well as a 3 phase outlet (or two!) as big as the sparky will allow. Make sure the 3 phase outlets with neutral and earth wires connected. Remember -- you can always plug little stuff into big outlets -- but not the...
  7. D

    Hand pump for ball lock

    Both the K's have identical "Party Pumps" which may suit/be able to be adapted. Basically a bike pump. $30. You could make a short length...
  8. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Is that -5°C displayed on the controller, or measured with a separate thermometer? Could be the temperature controoler on the fridge needs recalibrating (not sure if that's DIY-able).
  9. D

    Coagulating(?) Beer

    The pile you used to get in the middle of the whirlpool was evidently hop material, and maybe some of the hot and cold breaks nucleating around the hop material. This time the hot break was probably pumped through the pump and CF chiller, which mixed it in with everything that got transferred...
  10. D

    Cost of getting a 15 amp powerpoint installed?

    Do it anyway. Then it's done, and there will be less to do when you add the next circuit.
  11. D

    Cost of getting a 15 amp powerpoint installed?

    Glad you're sorted, but I'll offer you a tip. Label the breakers "1, 2, 3...". Switch off all the circuits except one, then go around and check EVERY power point to see which ones are live. Label those ones that correspond to that circuit. Then switch off that breaker, and repeat for the...
  12. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Most homebrew sellers don't really understand different thread types, and how things are sealed. The designers/enginerds probably do, but that knowledge rarely makes it to the sales counter (or the website data entry bloke, in this case).
  13. D

    Fridge running warm

    Sounds like it might be on the way out, but double check your temperature measuring device is working correctly befoire you finally condemn the fridge.
  14. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Every time there's a lockdown/restrictions, people get online, buy stuff, and get it posted. Either because they can't get it and remain within the rules, or because they're stuck at home and bored. As your parcel would have had to go from Victoria (in lockdown therefore busy), through NSW (in...
  15. D

    Coming up from South East Melbourne into NSW in the next few days and can transport equipment?

    Not yet. See what acting Dan has to say later about easing restrictions (before changing his mind tomorrow :rolleyes:).
  16. D

    Beer Busts Gangsters

    It probably has/will shortly be revealed in court somewhere how they intercepted certain information, so they may as well try to claim some glory from it.
  17. D

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Oh. the brewmanity!
  18. D

    Ideas for a new homebrewery garage

    One trick I use is to raise the roller door slightly. I used a suitably sized hole saw to cut extra pairs of holes in the track so I can lock it in place. That allows air to come in, while keeping most of the rain out.
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    Ideas for a new homebrewery garage

    And when you're doing some cleaning in preparation for kegging/bottling? On a day when you're not brewing.
  20. D

    Ideas for a new homebrewery garage

    I meant running hot water for washing up, rather than brewing. If you do have hot water available, another idea is to plumb it into the hose outlet. Adjustable temperature water that you can connect a hose to is handy at times.