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  1. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    And there you have it . Science says its ok the government says its ok so it must be ok .But why am I made by law to spend my hard earned money on a health fund when I rarely get sick and yes I did cop the flu this year but it didn't kill me, in the long run it just made me more immune to these...
  2. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    No they don't run on sugar . There was an article on SBS not long ago where they were introduced to a white mans grocery store where they could buy sugar and coke and ice cream and lollies and 90% yes 90% of them ended up over weight and a lot of the older community people ende up with *******...
  3. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Aaaand you believe them . Go ask your doctor what they put in them and I bet you they will go ummm arrrr and try and steer you away from the question . I am not an anti vaxxer I just want to know the truth .
  4. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Have a look at who wrote it . Now go and read the article on sugar . In brief it was written by the sugar board and said it is good for us and that the researchers ( who were paid by the sugar board to paint a pretty picture ) found no evidence of ill effect and if there is, it is only minimal...
  5. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    **** I was getting excited . It probably was bromide, that's right it was we use it everyday don't we ?
  6. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    No argument here all I am saying is there are alternatives . My child was vaccinated when he was a baby and ended up in hospital with a temperature of 103 * F yeah he is ok now but ended up with asthma .
  7. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    That is complete garbage . Go look up read the article and then we will discuss this further.
  8. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Prove it is utter ******** .
  9. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Each and everyone to their opinion and 9/11 probably was a conspiracy but we will never know why the yanks went after Saddam Husain after the attack and they blamed Binladen for it go figure .
  10. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Hitler wanted to use flouride for he knew it would subdue the people how smart is he we use it every day .
  11. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yeah anti - vaxxers have got it wrong it may cause a lot of problems but hey who cares if the vaccine has formaldehyde and aluminium salts and mercury these are ok to inject into your body aren't they . These vaccines only prevent three or four of the diseases and it is only good for 12mths and...
  12. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yeah shame that all the religious people are ignorant
  13. H

    Which online brew site is best?

    I had Beersmith first and did look at brewers friend when it first came both are good but I find Beersmith is a lot easier to navigate
  14. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Funny thing about the bible is it is not about god and sinners it's about ................ well you will have to read it but don't look at the face value of it dig a little deeper .
  15. H

    Jamie (Sydney)

    Just try and keep the temp around 18*C . This will give you a better flavour than what the instructions say .oh and remember sanitise sanitise sanitise anything that touches the wort after boiling
  16. H

    Mash Tun issues

    If you spend the time now tinkering just think how easier it is going to be down the track to control the temps and do step mashes in fact just brew a great beer .
  17. H

    Mash Tun issues

    Are you able to get into the bottom of the urn where the thermostat is and wipe off the thermal grease .For this is the most likely point of all where it is slow
  18. H

    Mash Tun issues

    Cut a coil or two to fit in the urn properly . I purchased a 7lt Big W pot for $11 and stuck 3mt of copper in it and get a ramp time of 1*C per min of course I had to buy a PID and have had it running for near on 10yrs . No complaints here .So if you do it now then the job is done and you kill...
  19. H

    Warning Regarding Big W PET Beer Bottles, and my Introduction to AHB

    No wonder your bottles are splitting with that amount of priming sugar. Max amount I do is around 138gm per 22 - 23 lt for a fermentation temp of 18*C and for lagers around 145gm per 23lt at 12*C
  20. H

    Mash Tun issues

    Good job now you are almost there with your mash tun problem .