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  1. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Inoculating is a good thing in this instance . Otherwise beer would be sugary water .
  2. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Dam Sprung . I thought I was going to get away with it . Well spotted
  3. H

    Hi all

    Welcome back to the slippery slope .
  4. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I like to be contraversial
  5. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Depends how lazy I get sometimes I do a starter and sometimes I sprinkle .
  6. H

    First Brew - New temp controller failed - what to do

    Get it down to 18*C and then turn your fridge off and keep up the ice bricks until you work it out . As Brewnicorn said better to have a lower temp and slower ferment .
  7. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I am not a qualified mechanic and rebuilt my first car engine when I was 18 and yeah I did have a few screws left over but the car still ran and that was without a manual. My mother had me tested they didn't find any loose screws .
  8. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    It takes all types . I saw what the bushfires did here in Melbourne and heard the anecdotal evidence and it wasn't any trillion dollar military operation.
  9. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    One more thing just because they are qualified doesn't mean they are professionals . Sometimes you may know more than the professionals does that mean your qualified .
  10. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Sorry mtb i've done enough fishing for the night . Loved the discussion great to see people are so passionate .mtb love your passion .
  11. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    But this is what people do it is the excess and it is slowly killing millions of people around the world .
  12. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Don't get me started on this subject .
  13. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Great entertainment ****** luvin it . Fish are biting hard tonight .
  14. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    you are right in what you say no argument there . The point I am trying to get across is that our bodies are not made to shovel in excessive amounts of sugar every day it just can't cope with it . Look at how many people a year end up with diabetes and what does the doctor do here have a pill...
  15. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Again your right in what you say . I use to drink a corny every ten days or so.Then did the old age blood test and was told my liver was toxic **** who knew it would eventually kill me . I got clever went back to bottling .
  16. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    ****** oath I have trust issues . Trust me I'm a used car salesman .trust im your doctor and I know better . No I say be more informed just because they say so doesn't mean its right .
  17. H

    Please help, looking for new recipes

    Have you tried making a wheat beer with US-05 or maybe a lager with american hops and a lager yeast . Have you tried mashing at 64 to make a drier beer ? There are heaps of recipes on line . Check out some of the american beer blog sites .Check out brew your own magazine online there is plenty...
  18. H

    First Brew - New temp controller failed - what to do

    What type of controller are you using ? Have you looked at the compressor delay function on the controller ?
  19. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Geeze you forgot the hollow earthers as well they must be anti vaxxers as well .
  20. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Your missing the point I eat but I try and keep the processed foods to a minimum for that is where the hidden sugars are . Everyone reacts differently . As I said I am not against vaccinations I want to know the truth and there are alternatives for as I said everyone is different and we all...