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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    brew gear cleanout, melb east.

    Just pm'd I'll have the fermenter . I am in Croydon can pick up anytime .
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    The best bargain you have bought

    Does that mean I have to build a bigger brew stand at half the price of the last one
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    The best bargain you have bought

    Yeah and just how are you going to take it away . Did you buy a big trailer after you sold your boat ?
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    RIMS Tubes

    I have a HERMS . I run a 2400 W element in a 7.5lt BIG W pot with 3mtrs of copper ramp time is 1*C per min . I have seen other HERMS systems that run an electric kettle and they only hold 1.5lt . So you possibly could build a small HERMS the size of a RIMS tube . If you do get a stuck mash at...
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    PID Programming Problem

    Just recently purchased a new PID from Inkbird thought my old PID was going haywire , set up the new PID and it was doing a similar thing to my old PID turned out it was the temp sensor was playing up .Slaps hand on forehead .
  6. H

    Frist AG brew with the GF - PALE MONK BELGIAN WITBIER - OG 1.62 ?

    Best not to drink when trying out new system . Sounds like you had a great day . Don't worry once you get to know your system your brew day will be shorter and you can start drinking earlier :overhead:
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    Wtb 1/2" male camlock in Melbourne by tomorrrow

    What about Geordies 131 Herald st Cheltenham Ph 95332000 ?
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    How to program a PID

    Thanks Nosco it gives me some idea . I'll drop the i and see how it performs .
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    How to program a PID

    I just received my new Inkbird PID . I just ran it through with water and yes I do understand that wort will be different in temp degrees . I ran through the auto tune at 50* C then at 66* C and my temp into the mashtun was 8* C hotter. My question is what do I have to do to get the temp more...
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    INKBIRD Special Giveaway for Thanksgiving!

    The IRF - 2S BBQ Temp would be a great advantage .
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    PID problems

    Thanks LC it is an old CD101 but have fixed the problem . I was playing with the terminals on the PID where the sensor is attached and noticed the PV would jump around from 0000000 , flashing high temp 365.7 and then it would come back to the correct temp reading . So I cut all the old terminals...
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    PID problems

    I have an RKC PID model number FK02-VM*AN-MM . I turned it on today to heat up some water and it is coming up on the PV with Sr oP does anyone have any idea what it is and how it can be fixed thanks .I have just run through all the settings and now the PV is flashing 335.1. Hermies
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    F*ck you Woolworths

    I know of a person who was wrongly accused in the workplace 40 years ago when they were fresh out of school and has been so able to use and abuse the system ( traumatised ) by it has never worked since .
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    what is he bringing a candy cane? I can recommend the white ones with the red stripe they are yummy:fallingoffchair:
  15. H

    Does this AG APA recipe make sense?

    Just looked at the recipe it looks good enough to drink .
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    Does this AG APA recipe make sense?

    Yep and adds more flavour ;)
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    Does this AG APA recipe make sense?

    Try and keep the recipes more simple they taste better . You try and throw a **** load of different malts and hops at it and it forgets what it wants to be . Sometimes less is more
  18. H

    Does this AG APA recipe make sense?

    Drop the vienna and crystal malt add some wheat and up the caterpillers to 200gm aim for around 1.050 in S.G cause inevitably you will loose a few pts which is ok . If you have more Magnum up it to 12gm @ 60 min , drop your 25min hop addition and incorporate it into you 10 and 5 min additions...
  19. H

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yeah I read something about this one are we dead yet or is it going to happen soon ?I just want to know so I can pack up all my goods and sell the house so I can run away from it"seeingstars:
  20. H

    Hi all

    Ditch the kit yeast . Buy some US-05 or mangrove Jacks or what ever you can get hold of . Dump the dextrose use DME or LME or better still get into the partials . Keep ale temps around 18*C and Lager temps aound the 12*C mark and you will make better beer full stop . Oh sanitise religiously ...