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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    Little brown pumps

    Home Make it in Wellington Rd Mulgrave . I just checked their website they are $74.95
  2. H

    Little brown pumps

    nosco is correct they were used for pumping solar hot water so they are food grade . I had one on my boil kettle until I dropped it and broke the head off it . It worked better than my march pump . I now use a KK mkII and for $70 great value no affiliation yadayadayada .
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    FS - My whole set up - Melbourne

    Any room to move on the HLT cause 175 English pounds seems a bit exy .
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    Don't panic it'll be a good beer let it do its thing and then bottle .
  5. H

    BIAB newbie recipe advice

    I was going to say be careful with gladfields it tends to be a little sticky but you won't have any problems with BIABing. JW is my go to malt but I do like gladfields . My doctor told me to drink less that's why my beers have a higher ABV . :bigcheers:
  6. H

    BIAB newbie recipe advice

    Yeah I see were you are coming from . My beers tend to be a little higher in abv and that is were the extra ibu comes into play .For some reason I can't get my beers below 5% :doofus:
  7. H

    BIAB newbie recipe advice

    Hey fletch nice recipe .Now I have to brew it . I would up the ibu a bit more to balance the abv . I would be looking for around 40 ibu with 25 ibu @ 60 min ,15 ibu @ 10 min, then dry hop yum .
  8. H

    Rye IPA

    Do you find it is almost pouring like a syrup ? If it is just let it sit it will come good over time . Rye needs some time to settle .
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    Air Lock Tightness

    I just put down a beer couldn't be assed to put cling wrap on it didn't have a lid with an airlock hole so I just screwed on a lid and let it do its thing all good .
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    ESB 10th Anniversary Home Brew Competition - Monster Mash

    I'm no expert but could you just put N/A or no entry ?
  11. H

    Name the bar

    Yeah I'd would like a bot led of your finniest .
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    Fly sparging without mashing out

    QLD Kev sparges with cold water so I don't see a problem . Same as razz 2. In the early days of all grain brewing I used a 35lt esky never could get it up to mash out so I just sparged with 77*C water beers turned out great.
  13. H

    Soldering copper pipe problems melting solder

    I use MAP gas from Bunnings and lead free solder and have no problems soldering the copper pipe . My routine is clean all the pieces I am going to solder with sandpaper so that everything is clean, dip the pieces I am going to solder in flux or if using paste brush it on . Using the gas canister...
  14. H

    Rye Malts - Who's Playing With Them Lately?

    Be prepared to age it . In my experience a few years ago we did a 50 -60 % rye and it was almost throw away . We kegged it just the same and it sat for at least 4-6 mths . It turned out to be a cracker of a beer . So let it age . In my opinion .
  15. H

    Pimping a Coopers Kit with a Partial Mash

    You could also stick it in the oven at mash temp .
  16. H

    Gday from Vic

    What part of Vic are you in ? Cheers Hermies