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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. punkin

    Group buy at Plasdene (Preston, VIC) - bottles, fermenters, cubes etc

    Mention the C word if you want to attract a mod.
  2. punkin

    Punkin's Xmas Muck (Baileys)

    Made a double batch today for some early xmas presents. Came up with 2.4l which Pearsons Square tells me makes it 16.6% abv. Used 3 vannilla beans and a teaspoon of extract, 6 fresh eggs from the chooks next door.
  3. punkin

    Apple cider from fresh apple
  4. punkin

    Apple cider from fresh apple

    Yes, absolutely. Extract the juice from the apples and add yeast. Bottle or keg when fermentation is complete.
  5. punkin

    2013 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    He has peole singing love songs to him, he's high on hisself. :ph34r: :P
  6. punkin

    Hop Dealz Australia

    Don't say that in his retail thread :D :lol:
  7. punkin

    2013 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    FYTSS? You two are...nevermind. :party:
  8. punkin

    Consumers lose under "internet tax"

    That's not true. All GST paid is claimed as credit by a retailer and then charged to the consumer. No matter how far down the line it has to go, eventually it's paid by the consumer. Just makes our prices look artificially inflated as retailers we have to advertise including gst where...
  9. punkin

    Hop Dealz Australia

    God, all this over Amarillo. If i'd known you had that much of a boner for it LoO i could have stuck some in with your elements. 30 grams would do you to get off, yeah?
  10. punkin

    Greetings from Narrabri

    Hi Shrodinger, i'm based in Tamworth, give me an email through my site if there's anything i can help you with. I go through a lot of grain and hops because i like beer much too much. Not enough allgrain brewers round here or i would stock much more beer stuff.
  11. punkin

    2013 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Just plant dwarves.
  12. punkin

    Mexican Cooking

    I can highly recommend the Large Blacks; As far as flavour goes it's like a home grown tomato versus a supermarket one, we just never knew pork could have so much flavour. Other heritage breeds may be just as good, but this was the one we tried.
  13. punkin

    Things that have been around since we where kids

    Yep, zip start motorbikes, was either that or a Honda Peewee 50 for the rich kids.
  14. punkin

    Consumers lose under "internet tax"

    Do we expect the manufacturers or the retailers to do product development? Or do we just skip that in the new world without wholesalers? I have a wholesaler and wouldn't swap at all. They do quality control and communicate with the many factories (as many as 5) that are used to make a single...
  15. punkin

    An open discussion on moderation.

    Good topic and timely. I have given my views previously. Moderation (from experience) needs to be #1 consistent. It needs to be clear, acted on early and firmly. It doesn't need to be draconian, argued about or negotiated. It does need to be simply explained when it happens, publicly and...
  16. punkin

    Acceptable Sales

    That's exactly the reason you should be seeking the input of the regular users here. After all the place is here for the users, not the moderators. Seek input, absorb that input, control that input so it does not get personal and then make up your own minds.
  17. punkin

    Acceptable Sales

    This is a good point and a fair question. As someone in a business that sells stuff for a fraction of what the market will pay, but using a fair profit margin rather than setting my prices just under other retailers i understand the dillema. I could sell this for $10 and sell just as many...
  18. punkin

    No Topic Thread

    Oh well, i told Grumpy not to mention the 'C' word. TabooRoundHerePunkin
  19. punkin

    Competitions for 2014 - Melb / Vic

    Why not have your meeting at the beerfest?
  20. punkin

    Mexican Cooking

    Those ones really were magic. They were large blacks we fed up on vegie scraps and horse feed and grains. I love the heritage pork, so much better in flavour than regular pigs. If we still had somewhere to raise em we'd still be doing it, but my mate sold his little farm. They ended costing us...