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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. punkin

    Hop Dealz Australia

    I'm aware of that, and they gave that as the first excuse for never getting back to me, the local mamnager saying he was warned off about not taking my satchel business from auspost. Last time i went to see him i told him that TNT now had my satchel business and still did not get the promised...
  2. punkin

    2013 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Same here, mine seemed to recover from the hail in 2012 but this years has decimated it. There's probably two dozen cones on there ready to harvest but i get depressed when i look at them so i'm not even going to bother, call it root development year.
  3. punkin

    Perlick Tap Maintainence

    Have you got a reference link for that please? A bit interested in one of these but that would take the joy right out of it for me.
  4. punkin

    F/S Perth/Freo John Guest Ball lock disconnects

    Well he rides a rotary, that's weird enough in itself. WhoRidesARotaryPunkin
  5. punkin

    Hop Dealz Australia

    I have to say that although i don't monitor the timeleyness of my deliveries unless i get a query from a customer, as far lost parcels go the Auspost express system has been without fault over thousands of packages. The only time i have ever had a apackage or two go missing it has eventually...
  6. punkin

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Had a bottle of the hasslehop last night, very much enjoyed it.
  7. punkin

    No Topic Thread

    It's the ray burns on the plumbs that are the problem. You don't have to be naked, wearing shorts can give the same result.
  8. punkin

    Sierra Nevada IPA Glasses - EOI

    She said yes to the glasses Yobbo so put me down for six.
  9. punkin

    Sierra Nevada IPA Glasses - EOI

    Come on guys.....sets of six the man said. At the risk of becomeing a cool aid sipper, and i really have my doubts about spending this sorta money on glassware.... I'll put it to her for xmas, she's been hassling me for ideas on a present. Is this likey to happen for chrissy Yobmeister?
  10. punkin

    Sierra Nevada IPA Glasses - EOI

    I'll take half a glass.
  11. punkin

    Dirty tap water More info in this thread.
  12. punkin

    No Topic Thread

  13. punkin

    First World Problems Thread

  14. punkin

    No Topic Thread

    Nothing public.
  15. punkin

    Home Made Yoghurt

    Yep having to use two knives to make the toast and make sure you have a seperate jar of vegemite labelled etc. It's easy to remember the milk is So Good, but much harder to remember not to give them a kiss the same day after you've eaten chocolate or whether you've ever dipped a butter knife in...
  16. punkin

    Home Made Yoghurt

    Thanks KS, i apologise Bribie as i am not up enough on the whole deal. I know it's been described within the family as allergic to milk (and eggs) and assumed the lactose was the problem.
  17. punkin

    Home Made Yoghurt

    I have a grandaughter who has life threatening lactose allergies and that's just rubbish Bribie. She has only recently (she's 18) gotten clearance to eat some cooked dairy in the form of cakes and cheeses. In the past she could only have soy products, not a chance of natural yoghurts, and just...
  18. punkin

    New barrel - what sort of considerations/issues?

    Roll out the barrel will also rechar the Yalumba Octaves. They are pretty suss on doing cheap barrels, but i do know they will process the octaves. Recharring is pretty cheap and you can specify a light toast. The Yalumba barrels come up every year and are cheap. Have a look back through the...
  19. punkin

    No Topic Thread

    you know what they say about new brooms
  20. punkin

    Android Tablet with HDMI for IPTV and Streaming Radio?

    I bought one of these the other day... It was on the specials table at Harveys for $15, despite the $299 price tag on it. I haven't got it setup and running as of yet, but it looks like it will run anything you want off your PC through wifi as far as...