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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Mill Motors

    Those ones require the mains side to be wired as well. Using a pc power supply (I like the hot plug server ones) gives you a beefy (often more than 30 amps on the 12v line), with only minimal mods required. Something like this is what i'm talking about...
  2. K

    Fridge Help

    I had a fridge like that at one point. I thought it was dead, so I bought a new one. Turns out it was iced up so badly internally it just couldnt function. After I cleaned up the huge puddle of water inside it (and under it) the thing worked perfectly. When was the last time you defrosted it?
  3. K

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I reckon just spend the extra and get a monster mill or similar. Monster for one, gives you pointers on how to go about motorising it!
  4. K

    Any South West Sydney Sparkies Here?

    Need some advice regarding the power in my brew shed.... I have a 4mmsq feed to my sub board, with a 16amp main breaker. This runs to a couple of power circuits, 2 light, 3 power circuits, all have 16 amp breakers in them as well. I would like to have the main breaker upgraded to a 25amp...
  5. K

    Free Pet Bottles Campbelltown

    Unless it's before 7am, unlikely! Evening pickups are fine though
  6. K

    Free Pet Bottles Campbelltown

    Like the subject Says, In Campbelltown! :lol:
  7. K

    Free: One Bar Fridge

    Hey Mate, I'd love to grab it, however I wont be able to get it till sunday. Is that ok? Keith
  8. K

    Free Pet Bottles Campbelltown

    HI, I have bout 4 or 5 dozen brown pet bottles. I'm only using glass, so dont require them. Some have lids, and there re some new lids with them. Speedy pickup would be preferred, if not spoken for by next tuesday, they go in the recycling.
  9. K

    My New Biab Rig

    Motor just arrived. WOW that was quick! Will do some measuring tonight if I get a chance! Hmm, Broke the images in the first post somehow. Is there anyway I can go back and edit it now?
  10. K

    First Ag Brewday

    Ghetto mill base: Dough in... Bag removed and just hit the boil precision hop bag alignment tool All went well, except for the breaker continually tripping in my shed, and inadvertantly making a light beer! :( Didnt use enough grain.... Cubed it on Saturday, In the fermenter on Sunday...
  11. K

    My New Biab Rig

    Ended up using an entire roll of duct tape. Worked a treat. Popped the cherry on my setup today, the recipe I am using calls for a 90 minute boil. At the 60 minute mark my circuit breakers in the shed kept popping! I only have a 2200w element, a I think 1500w element, both on what i thought...
  12. K

    12 Volt 32amp Power Supplies

    Looks like one is spoken for, One left!
  13. K

    Scored Some Coolroom Panels

    You could make a bunch of Awesome Eskies. I have seen some that have been made from those panels and they rocked! Miracle box maybe?
  14. K

    My New Biab Rig

    Ok. Baby Steps. Got some camping mat to insulate the kettle with. What do people use to attach it? I was thinking duct tape. Is that likely to hold?
  15. K

    My New Biab Rig

    It's a monster mill, hopefully it should be fine.
  16. K

    My New Biab Rig

    I got the standard sized shaft, with the stainless rollers. I was going to walk down at lunchtime and get the coupler from Jaycar, I'm ok with drilling out the hole if need be, though I might wait untill the motor is here, just to make sure that the jaycar one will work.
  17. K

    My New Biab Rig

    rightio then. I guess I'll just have to wait! I might make a second base, and just sit it on the bucket in the mean time and mill using a drill
  18. K

    12 Volt 32amp Power Supplies

    Hi, I have two of these available, they are from a HP server, and are ideal for powering a DC motor for your grain mill! Information on how to mod them for use as a supply in this link: These are un-modified, however they are known to...
  19. K

    My New Biab Rig

    Nope, no coupler yet. Was going to get the jaycar one. On looking at the underside pics of your mill, it looks like you had to embed the motor slightly into the base to get it to lign up. Is that the case?