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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. benno1973

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Damn, didn't notice that it said 12L. I would have bought a few. Might message the guy, see if he's still got some.
  2. benno1973

    Plumbing in IBC to collect water for garden and beer chilling....

    Looks great! Have been meaning to do something similar for a while now, as it sucks wasting as much water as I do with an immersion chiller. Hadn't thought of an IBC though, so thanks for that. Will need to think of where to house it...
  3. benno1973

    Hello from a Perth brewer!

    I'm an ex-Kalamunda boy - Gooseberry Hill Primary and Kala Senior High. Still head up to the hills each week to visit my folks, it's a great area. I'm in Bayswater, so only about 10 mins further on from Nev.
  4. benno1973

    Hello from a Perth brewer!

    Hey mcheva, where are you in Perth? There's West Coast Brewers who meet in Belmont each month... I've got the Jamil Taddy Porter in the fermenter too, also with London Ale III. It's delicious, brewed each winter because it's a great recipe.
  5. benno1973


    Completely :icon_offtopic: - that's the creepiest avatar I've seen in a while NN....
  6. benno1973

    Perth - 25ltr reflux still

    Is it the size of the still that makes it illegal? Genuine question, as I understand it's legal for certain amounts of distilling water and essential oils.
  7. benno1973

    Brown Ale Recipe For Commercial Use

    What bars BB? I'm sure a lot of us Perthies will happily support a new craft beer enterprise...
  8. benno1973

    vs threads VS not vs threads

    Your 'opinion' means nothing to me. Show me the scientific paper to prove your idea is, in fact, better...
  9. benno1973

    Chinese/taiwanese Rice Wine

    Yep, I've had dry and rubbery before. It still seems to work if you add a little liquid to the rice. But I tend to steam for a bit longer these days...
  10. benno1973

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Steel electrical enclosure box, possibly good controller box for someone? Currently there's 2 at $1 each. Mandurah, WA. Would get one, but they're too far for me to drive :)
  11. benno1973

    Mmmmmm Bacon

    All good questions. 1. How do you know when it's ready? That's a hard one to answer. The beauty of using a specific amount of salt (2.4-2.5% by weight) is that it's virtually impossible to overcure the meat. I leave 7 days for thin pieces, up to 10 days for thick pieces of belly. If in doubt...
  12. benno1973

    Mmmmmm Bacon

    Hey Wolfman, the pellicle is just a sticky layer. You won't see it like a crust at all, but you'll feel it in that it feels tacky, which is what allows the smoke to bond/bind with the bacon. If it was slightly grey in patches towards the centre, you might want to leave it a little longer to...
  13. benno1973

    Re-Hydrate v Not..

    I have learnt to ignore scientific proof and trust in anecdotal evidence instead. Have also now decided to believe in God and creationism, rather than evolution.
  14. benno1973

    Home Made Immersion Chillers?

    I found the compression fittings in Bunnings, but I assume you've tried that?...
  15. benno1973

    Maintaining Temperature

    Your wife's name is Fiona?
  16. benno1973

    Re-Hydrate v Not..

    Slash's link is the one that came to mind when I read the topic. The pertinent points in relation to the OP are: and..