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  1. benno1973

    Super easy pickled onion

    I've done it with malt vinegar, delicious.
  2. benno1973

    James Squire Hop Thief $$$$ I was robbed alright&

    Was that for a pint or a middy? You should come to Perth and enjoy the beer prices here...
  3. benno1973

    Super easy pickled onion

    Don't we all!? I just got two really nice fermenting crocks, similar to the harsch crocks with the water moat. This could be the test drive!
  4. benno1973

    Super easy pickled onion

    Like both of these. I made some vinegar pickled onions about 3 months ago, yet to crack the jar. Haven't done fermented onions, but will definitely be doing that this week!
  5. benno1973

    I want to get elected!

    Sorry Dave, removed my dig at you and edited my post above. Still don't believe that they are 'willfully ignorant and deliberately uninformed'. They just have a different opinion to you is all.
  6. benno1973

    I want to get elected!

    That's an oversimplified, one-sided argument. I don't think that you can say that the Greens are ignorant and uninformed if they raise alternative viewpoints like: Nukes = uranium mining, radioactive waste, Chernobyl, Fukushima GMO = increased herbicide use, Monsanto, unproven health risks...
  7. benno1973

    I want to get elected!

    In what way? Both these policies are divisive issues that have legitimate arguments, both for and against. Their policy happens to be against, which may be contra to yours, but how does that make them uninformed on either of these statements?
  8. benno1973

    where to buy glass vials online or in Perth?

    Hey Slugga, Are you set on glass? I use PP test tubes for yeast slants and they are reusable, autoclaveable, etc. Work really well, and no issues if I drop them on the concrete. Either way, try proscitech as their range is pretty cheap. How many are you after? I may have a few 50ml PP ones...
  9. benno1973

    I want to get elected!

    Are you arguing that nuclear power is clean and safe? I don't necessarily agree with both the above policies, but I don't think these policies make them kooks?
  10. benno1973

    I want to get elected!

    This is a pretty good discussion: The key point is that... Quoting small percentages (0.038%) isn't an argument against CO2 contributions to global warming. Small percentages of critical elemt\nts can make...
  11. benno1973

    I want to get elected!

    Being an environmentalist and ex-zoologist (where I was involved in some of the studies of marine parks around the Perth area), with no interest in cars, shooting or fishing, I have to say that I'm almost totally against all the ORP policies. But good on you for standing up for what you believe...
  12. benno1973

    Tap King - Decide for me

    $34 for XXXX, and then use it for: malt vinegar beer bread beer pretzels seasoning the grill on your BBQ. Then fill that growler with better beer.
  13. benno1973

    Brewing with wet hops.

    5 or 6 to 1 sounds about right. I've always bittered with pelletised hops and flavoured with wet hops, for exactly the reason you mention - it's going to soak up a lot of wort!
  14. benno1973

    Will hop vines grow downwards?

    I've read somewhere about the growing angle of hops, can't remember where now. It's something like 40 degrees or above and they will grow. I built a pergola with a 30 degree incline on the rafters with the plan of growing the hops around the rafters. The little feckers need to be trained onto...
  15. benno1973

    Salami 101

    I've wondered why myself. I know with vegetable fermentation and cheesemaking, iodine being an antibacterial agent affects the probiotic bacteria that do the fermentation such as lactobacillus. In some sense, if you add a starter culture (i.e. salami), iodised salt could affect how effectively...
  16. benno1973

    Salami 101

    Yeh, good point. If you're hanging in Broken Hill, which I assume gets pretty warm, I'd try and get it dried as quick as possible.
  17. benno1973

    Salami 101

    Hi Matt, Wrapping in cheesecloth will just slow the drying process and ensure that you don't get a hard, crusty exterior. It's not totally necessary, I've done it both ways and it does as described above, but if you don't do it, you'll still make delicious pancetta.
  18. benno1973

    Brewtv on WTV

    Not sure if this has been posted before, but BrewTV (a show about brewing in WA, supposedly) is airing on WTV soon:
  19. benno1973

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Buy a bigger fridge I'd imagine! Or maybe use 9L kegs?
  20. benno1973

    Free cool room panels. Perth

    Off topic - Vlad, I haven't seen you post on this forum in years! Good to see you back... still brewing?