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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. benno1973

    Fridge-less fermentation chamber build

    What about a bar fridge? It is essentially a small insulated box and would save you building one. If you're not allowed to put it anywhere but under the house, then it would still serve as an insulated box, even if it wasn't plugged in. I have a fridge (full size) in the shed and don't need a...
  2. benno1973

    Home Made Yoghurt

    ...or if you're even shorter on time and patience, incubate the yoghurt in a thermos. No need for the water bath. To derail the topic back to kefir, we just spent 4 months traveling through Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Took a small jar of kefir grains with us and drank kefir...
  3. benno1973

    Hair-brained idea or stroke of genius? Please help

    Mashing in at 8pm?! Gotta love your commitment! ;) Did you end up doing it all in the 1 pot, or splitting it out into 2 pots?
  4. benno1973

    20L keg fill in Perth

    Check out Brews R Us in Marangaroo. They seem to brew beers and fill a couple of corny kegs if you bring them in. At least that's what their facebook page indicates.
  5. benno1973

    Hair-brained idea or stroke of genius? Please help

    Or you could just do a double batch in a 50L pot? It's a squeeze, but it can be done, especially if you top up with a little boiling water halfway through the boil? Saves making more dishes... **Edit - assuming a double batch being 40L after flameout...
  6. benno1973

    HLT water transfer with a pump advice needed!

    What are you filling the HLT from? Presumably not a tap, or you could run a long hose from the tap up to the HLT? Also, I assume that you need a pump so that you can bring the HLT down onto the table to allow for refilling, and the pump would be used to pump from the HLT to the mash tun? Those...
  7. benno1973

    Connor Breware update?

    Connor is still going. Still great service and good prices, but new addition to the family as well as moving house probably means that updating the website gets a lower priority. Huh? I saw posts from you earlier in the year - did you get banned in the meantime? Have you been naughty Nev? B)
  8. benno1973

    No room at the Inn

    There's plenty of options out there, lots of them easier than heading to the hospital/ED. After hours GPs are one option, as are home servicing GPs. We have an after hours home visit GP service available here, completely bulk billed - I'm sure if people were educated on using that for...
  9. benno1973

    Boiling, Stirring & Paddle type?

    No need to stir while it is boiling, the rolling boil will do that for you. I like to stir a little at the top when I dump the hops in, or else you get a whole heap of hops floating on the surface and it threatens to boil over. Other than that, I tend to leave it alone until I whirlpool at the...
  10. benno1973

    Commercial fridge to a meat curer?

    I use one of these: Still going strong after about 3-4 years. I use it in conjunction with an ultrasonic humidifier and a peltier dehumidifier...
  11. benno1973

    Kim Chi

    I use fish sauce generally when I make the paste. Actually, mostly it's an anchovy sauce, which seems to have poor little whole anchovies floating around in this gloopy liquid. Smells awful, but adds a great flavour. If I'm making it vegan, then I'll add some dried shiitake mushrooms blitzed...
  12. benno1973

    Brew Rig for sale - Perth

    That's really really nice Grab. I wish I hadn't just spent a whole bunch of time and money half assing together a 3V single tier brewery. This would have saved me both.
  13. benno1973

    AHB Biggest Loser Challenge!

    Totally agree with this, getting properly fitted has helped me out on a couple of occasions with fixing running issues. However, last time I went to The Athlete's Foot in Morley (which is a chain store) and they did a fairly decent job. Asked lots of detailed questions, measured my feet...
  14. benno1973

    Is this a decent PH meter?

    They are all over ebay and I've heard bad reports of them. I'd spring for something a little more pricey... the one linked has better accuracy and resolution.
  15. benno1973

    Ill informed fear mongering

    The brewer at Murrays must have something to hide. Ergo, all Murrays beers contain pesticides. That's your only logical conclusion!
  16. benno1973

    Custom made square kegs?

    I imagine that a cylinder would evenly distribute the pressure across the entire circumference. A square pressurised vessel would result in uneven pressure in the corners, and therefore it'd be less able to handle higher pressures. You could try one of those collapsable bladders if you're happy...
  17. benno1973

    This is why you clean your taps!

    It's even worse after you have a ginger beer on tap. Have to soak the tap for quite a while to get those flavours out.
  18. benno1973

    Burying or Sinking Beer

    Koreans bury kimchi in ceramic pots when they age it for the same reason, to minimise temperature swings and keep it relatively cool.
  19. benno1973

    Watering plants with clean up water

    I would imagine that you'd be best not to water the one spot each time. Stu probably has a better understanding than me (I nearly failed chem) but hydrogen peroxide is slightly acidic while sodium carbonate is used in council pools to raise the pH. Overall the solution is alkaline, so best to...
  20. benno1973

    The Cheese Thread

    Man, I need to get back into making cheese. It's been at least 6 months since my last one, but you've inspired me Tim!