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  1. Dozer71

    Zero minute hop additions - Effect on overall IBU's

    In beersmith, change the hop addition to steep/whirlpool instead of boil and add the time above 80c (say 20min pending chilling etc) and this will add IBUs to your recipe.
  2. Dozer71

    First BIAB attempt - not sure what to think

    This bit worries me for starters. With BIAB (and with all all grain) you drop the grain bag in and mash in at between 62 and 70 degree depending on style for 60 mins, then raise the bag, drain and squeeze, then boil. After the mash, need a decent boil for 60 mins before chilling or cubing.
  3. Dozer71

    450 mill stubbies and charging

    I would sugest bulk priming to get the right carb level. If sticking with the drops would go for 1 in 450ml as stouts have a lower carb level than ales & lagers.
  4. Dozer71

    Inkbird Giveaway for Temp Controller ITC-310T-B for New Year !

    Have the 2 probe for my smoker and its awesome. This will be great for my fermentation chamber.
  5. Dozer71

    Let's see your fermentation chambers!

    The BYO infers that it is 8c compared to ambient temp - not from the middle of wort to the edge of the wort. It would be an issue if you are just measuring the ambient temp to control the heat of the wort (thermomenter hanging in fridge/closet or even in bottle of water), but if taped and...
  6. Dozer71

    INKBIRD Giveaway of ITC-308 WIFI

    Good job. I'm in
  7. Dozer71

    What is the best home brew starter kit? (not too expensive)

    Most start with K&K, so add DME, then boiling water to dissolve, swirl, add kit then cool water to required level. Boiling water is often added to fermenter when starting.
  8. Dozer71

    Grain crusher not crushing.

    This. Last 2 times mine was continually spinning and had to jiggle the free roller all the time. Conditioned the grain with 2% water and no issues at all today. Letting the rollers dry a bit before hitting the with a brush.
  9. Dozer71

    Canadian Club Brew | Help

    Easiest way would be to create your own mix. CC is 37% in the bottle and 4.8% in the premix can so a dilution rate of 7.7. So for a 19L keg, 2.5L of CC with 16.5L of dry ginger will give 4.9%. Round it off to 4x700ml bottles increases it to 5.4%. So could fill your keg $160 of CC plus $20 of...
  10. Dozer71

    Problems with a Counter Pressure bottle cooler

    What pressure are you filling at? Could try lowering it to reduce the foam.
  11. Dozer71

    Dry hop chux

    The cold crash is done at the end of fermation. It will also drop some yeast out, but there will still be plenty to carb your beer up. Just let the bottles rise up to 18/20 so they carb up.
  12. Dozer71

    Dry hop chux

    I remember the Coopers DIY site saying to put the hops in a fresh chux so must be OK then. I usually go commando with a cold crash, or occasionally use hop tube.
  13. Dozer71

    All Grain - is it substantially better beer?

    The oxygen exposure is not a big deal at that stage as boiling gets rid of a lot of it - hence oxygenating prior to pitching yeast. Also, the exposure to oxygen is no different from BIAB to BM (just a fancy BIAB) and probably less than 3V as not transferring the wort between vessels. Campden...
  14. Dozer71

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Or you could just put the packets on a balance to check the weight when packing to ensure they are right. If under, send them back to repack. That way underweight packets don't get sent and you are not out of pocket on a new machine. Might just need to get a balance near the packing area.
  15. Dozer71

    Ideas for closed transfer from basic HDPE fermenter

    Makes much more sense. Originally saw beer in the lower tube (looks like brown liquid) and thought it was ready to go. Good luck with it.
  16. Dozer71

    Ideas for closed transfer from basic HDPE fermenter

    Did this work, because to me it would look like it will only fill to half way when the beer in each is level (closed loop). Unless you are applying more pressure to the left one to push it out.
  17. Dozer71

    INKBIRD Giveaway on ITC-308 for Xmas and Big Sales for BBQ 2X,4X,6X and IRF-2S

    Merry Xmas. Ordered the IBT-2 for my smoker the other day - patiently awaiting delivery. Needing a temp controller for my kegerator build so this would be awesome.
  18. Dozer71

    Bore water

    Groundwater quality varies greatly and is dependent on the geological formation of the area. I know in Victoria there is a vicwater database online which lists water quality of groundwater from monitored bores. Unsure if other states have anything similar. Your council or local water authority...