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  1. Robbo2234

    My Conical Fermenter

    keen to see how this goes to see if the hop flavour starts to fade. looks good too!
  2. Robbo2234

    G'day from Coffs Harbour

    Hi Matt, Used to be up your way heaps misses was from sawtell used to go up for the Chilli fest now and then. Maybe next year when the kids can sit still for 8 hours ..Welcome aboard it's a fun ride when you get s hang of it!
  3. Robbo2234

    Mill Motors

    Better get my name in! Just in case lol
  4. Robbo2234

    Make your searches hip hop

    yo ******* better get your fo shizzle up in da news! is that how you say it? the news seems so much cooler now!
  5. Robbo2234

    forgot to buy better yeast.

    After i read my post saying i have used it for years, i kinda answered my on question! Back in the car to the shop again!
  6. Robbo2234

    forgot to buy better yeast.

    Got home with a Coopers premium sparkling ale kit. but i forgot to buy some us05. Any one know what the quality of yeast in the tin is like? I haven't use tin yeast for years
  7. Robbo2234

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    2 tap keg fridge in the shire
  8. Robbo2234

    Supagas CO2 + Nitrogen pre mix bottels

    Dunno good question. its a mircomatic one
  9. Robbo2234

    Supagas CO2 + Nitrogen pre mix bottels

    Any one used a pre mixed bottel? SupaMix 55 is 55% CO2 and 45% Nitrogen. SupaMix 55 is used for dispensing draft beer but is not recommended for dispensing beers stored at ambient temperatures. Spoke to a rep about CO2 and told me about...
  10. Robbo2234

    going out for dinner in Sydney

    Hand pump at Murrays? Well I am going to have to make the trek our there some time soon!
  11. Robbo2234

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Yep sure do! when there blended down you dont know where there. and with all that heat you cant tase much too!!!!
  12. Robbo2234

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    blended up these the otherday.. bhuts and butch t's with about 2 liters of vinegar and some salt I gave it all a quick boil to kill of all the bugs on the bbq glad I did it out side the fumes were lung burning! man this stuff is HOT
  13. Robbo2234

    stuck gas dissconect on gas post!

    Having a go of what? Taking it off? I did ask it very politely to come off before asking for ideas.
  14. Robbo2234

    stuck gas dissconect on gas post!

    I am going to check that out tomorrow when i get this little fecker off!
  15. Robbo2234

    Looks like the shire is getting a microbrewery!

    just hope its good beer! we are need of somthing other than vb, new and ted
  16. Robbo2234

    stuck gas dissconect on gas post!

    What a good idea!!! to the shed tomorrow!
  17. Robbo2234

    Looks like the shire is getting a microbrewery!

    Looking forward to this! hope its good!
  18. Robbo2234

    stuck gas dissconect on gas post!

    Hi all, just tried to remove a empty keg from my system, beer side came off easy. this freaking gas side is stuck its doing my head in. If I remember correctly I had a little trouble putting it on, but nothing like this. any one got some tips on how to remove a stubborn ball disconnect?
  19. Robbo2234

    Co2 refils sydney

    from there web site... We are able to refill customer owned CO2 cylinders. We cannot refill cylinders belonging to other suppliers. bummer
  20. Robbo2234

    going out for dinner in Sydney

    would love to go to 4 pines but a wid week dinner to many is just to much of a trek I haven't been to the heritage for a while heaps of Belgian beers any one been there recently?