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  1. P

    Thermostat For Deep Freezer

    I replaced my chest freezer th'stat with a new fridge th'stat. Very easy to do. I got it from a second hand white good dealer/repairer. The freezer now sits between 3 and 6 degrees indoors. Outside it went lower (2-4). Its worked now for about a month or so no probs.
  2. P

    Keeping It Warm

    thanks. what ill do is check out my range with the themom then go to the HBS and pick out what best suits me and the kits and bits i buy.
  3. P

    Keeping It Warm

    Thanks jazman Changing the topic of the post here a bit to how to keep cold LOL. Im not sure if i can keep the temp quite so low, it can get a little bit warmer here outside like around 15. In my laundry it would prob be about same as outside temp that ranges from say 8 to 15 C. Would i be...
  4. P

    Keeping It Warm

    I want to brew a lager for the first time. I just brew kits so what would be the best option form me?
  5. P

    Keeping It Warm

    I just moved to Nuri, i used a belt last brew and it was generally around 22 degrees C most of the time. I cant tell u what it was at night though because i was sleeping. It was ready after 7 days.
  6. P

    New Beer Fires High-carb Shot At Atkins Diet

    Exercise is the key to losing weight. Fat burns when exercising at the lowest intensity, walking for example. You dont have to build up a sweat to burn fat, you just have to walk, but obviously for longer periods of time (which is why people are still fat, they're usually lazy as well). As soon...
  7. P

    Original Gravity Seems Too Low...

    hope so jethro... Pedro, when u say 2 points, you mean 1032 will become what exactly?
  8. P

    Original Gravity Seems Too Low...

    Yeah you're right about the enhancer. ok i see the temp would have been higher. I remember now i got a little carried away with the hot water and watched the temp rise and rise. So when i took the reading it was prob still up around 26 or 27. I guess ill wait till i drink it to see if its got...
  9. P

    Original Gravity Seems Too Low...

    Ok im quite new so any help will be much appreciated. I brewed a coopers pale ale kit adding an enhancer with a small pack of hops which was bolied all together for 7-10 before adding to the kit in the fermentor. My original gravity was 1.032 which seems too low, considering i added a whole...
  10. P

    OK, You're Here And You Brew, What Else Do You Do?

    Secondary Health and Physical Education teacher. I also teach karate.
  11. P

    Chiller Fonts

    does the glycol then run out of the font in the same line back to where it came from. what exactly is glycol? ive heard about it...
  12. P

    Chiller Fonts

    Some useful info but still not quite the help im after... I want to know how the cold water enters the font and how it will then drain out. If its in its own line then there would be no problem (no water dripping everywhere). From what you are saying, if the cold beer will chill the font after a...
  13. P

    Chiller Fonts

    Ive noticed a lot of posts about cooling the fonts but no one has explained fully. Im in the market for a font and im already thinking about cooling it with water pumped from a bucket in the freezer. But, what happens to the water exactly??? Does it simply flood the tower (where would the water...
  14. P

    Spew Beer

    LOL at ordering crownies at the belgian beer cafe...
  15. P

    Keg, Tap & Line Cleaning

    thanks for that jg.
  16. P

    Keg, Tap & Line Cleaning

    Fellas, just bought my first keg and need to clean it. One shot and terminator seem popular along with the Pink stuff. I went to both local supermarket and hardware stores but neither had any of what i was looking for. Just wondering where i can find these products in N/E of adelaide. Cheers.
  17. P


    Cheers pr1me. Im in Ridgehaven, moving to nuriootpa in a week or 2 though for about 10/11 weeks (im a contact teacher...) maybe ill get a taste for wine???
  18. P


    My house gets real cold in winter, cause we arent home much the heaters hardly ever on and only ever on at night in the 1 room. I guess its a trial and error thing. Will u lose carbonation if u keep opening to sample though? a softy doesnt last all that long once opened...
  19. P


    I just bought some oztops and have a question for those that have used them. I added some yeast to apple juice and left to ferment for 4 days. The bottle looking like a balloon suggested to me that fermentation was well under way so after 4 days i figured id have a reasonably good alcohol...
  20. P

    Where To Buy Thermostat.

    Can i replace my freezer th'stat (broken), with a fridge th'stat?