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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Australian Ahb Beer Idol Awards

    How bout a Beer-low 3, 2, 1 votes for the stupid things you've done pissed... or the stupid things posted Perhaps i get 2 votes for thinking of the beer-low?
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    Students Learn To Brew At High School

    Im teach at a sa public high school where they make and sell wine, also have owned race horses and are now starting to brew beer.
  3. P

    One Day Series On-line

    all out for 10. lost the last 7 wickets for 0...
  4. P

    Freezer Conversion

    awesome, never seen a font like that doc, looks great
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    Freezer Conversion

    Looks good, i was going to mount my font like that, do you have to move the freezer each time to open the lid?
  6. P

    Frozen Beer In Kegs, Saveable?

    Its a thermostat specifically designed for fridges. A simple replacement job that is wired for refridgeration. I had it working fine in my chest freezer, replaced it because i wanted to make my freezer colder as its old and on its last legs.
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    Xmas Ahb Case

    how about matte? some prefer matte...
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    Xmas Ahb Case

    on a more serious note... how about a sparkling ale for the xmas case?
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    Xmas Ahb Case

    "Click on a thumbnail image to enlarge it" - this was written at the link above to the "wardrobe mishap showing the infamous red G-String" Sounds like GMK got the desired results...
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    Pm Messages

    highlight, right click, copy & paste...
  11. P

    Xmas Ahb Case

    What about labels? i hope we have labels so we know what/whose we're drinking... premium gloss paper, colour ink is the standard?
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    Ebay Items

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    Ebay Items

    I like the inside shot with the spider web. Probably a good place for red backs???
  14. P

    30l Kegs. Do They Exist, If So What Comes In Them?

    A mate of mine pulls beers for a living and i remember him telling me that heinekan came in 30L kegs. He reackoned the industry was heading that way due to occ health and safety issues. But i wouldnt have thought so considering the cost involved. Im wondering, how does one go about cleaning out...
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    Xmas Ahb Case

    I like the sound of 24 too. It means i get to keep some of my first AG beer. Apparently some say its supposed to be better...
  16. P

    Xmas Ahb Case

    Opinion noted. Hmm im not sure ill have to think about it GMK. I wouldnt mind throwing in something different so theres a bit of variety.
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    Xmas Ahb Case

    What is my spirit then???
  18. P

    Xmas Ahb Case

    Count me in for the SA xmas case. I'll brew with GMK's equipment. It will be my first ag but dont fret, im sure GMK will show me the ropes. Not sure which style yet, perhaps some suggestions for a good first up try that tastes good and has little room for error...
  19. P

    What Did You Get For Fathers Day ?

    What goodies did you get in the showbag? My g/f is going to the show on wednesday and asked me if i wanted one... so long as i pay of course! Oh and i have no kids yet. I took my dad to the footy. GO THE POWER!!!