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  1. DeGarre

    50l Braumeister

    Only problem I ever had was the wort shooting out against the ceiling while mashing. My grainbill was very light and I had not mixed it very well when mashing in so there were dough balls and channelling. This happened twice, now I spend 2 extra minutes mixing the mash. What else? Oh yes, I...
  2. DeGarre

    Belle Saison Dry Yeast

    Finally finished and bottled at 1008/9 and one week in the bottle: Very delicate vs T58, balanced, spicy, peppery, but in a very sophisticated way, none of that WLP565/6 Dupont heavy hitting. Belgian for sure.
  3. DeGarre

    Danstar Belle Saison

    I thought peppery too, and totally get the banana now too - I bottled today and am having a glass, banana reminds me of Finnish "Sahti" beer which is fermented with baker's yeast. 14 days and couldn't get it under 1.008, temp was 20-22. Would be interested to know which strain this is, if...
  4. DeGarre

    Belle Saison Dry Yeast

    Took a break at 1.010 for 3 days, now has clearly dropped to 1.009 and "officially" a saison now. I'll keep shaking the fv a bit still.
  5. DeGarre

    Belle Saison Dry Yeast

    8 days now and has been at 1010 for 3 days. Brix is going down ever so slightly in refractometer but not enough to move gravity. I have shook the FV twice now. Perhaps it's having a break and then dives again...
  6. DeGarre

    Belle Saison Dry Yeast

    5 days and down to 1012 from 1050. Steady but not the most aggressive airlock activity, still in every 7 seconds. Fermenting at 22 degC ie very cool.
  7. DeGarre

    Starting Volume - mash on 20lt Speidel Bruameister

    I've never gone for minimum volume (can't really see the point of it) but went for maximum once. 28 L and got all kinds of problems, circulation was bad and when I lifted the malt pipe the grain was sucked into the wort somehow. So I aleays go for 26L ie the top mark on the rod + 6 L to rinse...
  8. DeGarre

    Danstar Belle Saison

    I am quite excited about this yeast, just received two packets so I will brew one saison next week - it is still snow in the ground -cold - and then another brew in the summer - late 20's hopefully - and see how this compares to my 2 previous saison brews: 1. wlp565 belgian saison I ...
  9. DeGarre

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    1 cm per 1 litre on the rod is close enough for me, I just calculate the volume from the top down ie 11 cm rod above the surface is 40-11= 29L and I don't worry about the lug.
  10. DeGarre

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I currently use a hop spider and also tilt the BM forward in order to get almost all of the wort into the FV. I know Mark sells this dip / pick up tube which would solve the tilting "problem" but would it be possible to attach some kind of a wire mesh thingy to the tube to keep the hops away...
  11. DeGarre

    Mash Efficiency On A Speidel Braumeister

    I've had a couple of brews now using a ready crushed pale ale and there is a lot of flour in the grist. So much that I've had to increase the mashing times longer to circulate longer in order to get clear wort and still it stays muddier than before. And I still get the usual 89% mash...
  12. DeGarre

    First Wort Hop addition with a Braumeister

    As soon as the mash was finished I lifted the malt pipe off BM and onto a bucket to drain and immediately put the hop spider on (at 67 degC).
  13. DeGarre

    Belle Saison Dry Yeast

    True. WB06 is much better in that regard.
  14. DeGarre

    Sour Dough Starter

    Ta very much for the advice, great results: the crust tastes very rye crisp bread-like, the inside has the air holes I like and is chewy, not crumbling at all. Good taste and the starter is definitely one to keep and cherish. I had the dough rise for 18 hours. Only thing I don't understand as a...
  15. DeGarre

    Sour Dough Starter

    I have been feeding the starter quite regularly now for 5 days. It's quite a liquid and runny starter and it sure does smell fermenting just before I feed it. It's fluffy and is almost bubbling so it's looking good. I have about a litre of it. If I want to bake 2 medium loaves that with dry...
  16. DeGarre

    Sour Dough Starter

    Thanks Sean, I'll try that. Good bread is rare in Finland and very expensive, I already brew my own beer so why not bake my bread too...
  17. DeGarre

    Sour Dough Starter

    A starter recipe I have says to separate the crusty and dry outside of a starter and throw it away and use the moist dough inside to add fresh flour and water every 2-3 days. I tried this and everything got mixed up together because the dough was so flat in the bowl it was difficult to separate...
  18. DeGarre

    Hop Ideas

    To me that malt bill looks very European. I would go for some European hops as your ibu 20-25 looks very European too. Bitter with Liberty et al and aroma with saaz.
  19. DeGarre

    Mikkeller Single Hop Ipa's

    I had a couple of different ones during 2010 GBBF and EKG was very good.
  20. DeGarre

    Candy Syrup In Trappist Beer

    5% of fermentables is the same as 5% of grain bill only if the degrees Litre are the same. 5% sugar has more fermentables than 5% say pale ale.