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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Duff

    Channel 7 Television Show

    This filmed yet?
  2. Duff

    Channel 7 Television Show

    If Ned Bunyip does not get this part I'll be really pissed. It is time the Bunyip is unleashed to mainstream viewers :lol: Come north to Port Douglas Channel 7.
  3. Duff

    Cascade Single Hop Ipa

    Nonsense. Just because it is an IPA does not mean it has to be a 1:1 ratio. That's the problem with AHB these days. Thing with Cascade is it can be easily overdone. How you have it should produce a good beer.
  4. Duff

    What Are You Brewing III

    Raided the hop freezer, there must be still 5 - 6kg in there, and no Chinook, so out is the Racer 5 and Stone IPA option. Come up with this, 1.071, 50IBU and 250gms of hops in it. 50 IPA A ProMash Recipe Report Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 40.00 Total Grain...
  5. Duff

    Birthday Drinks

    Phillip, Let us know what you think of the Dead Guy. I bought a bottle in a supermarket in San Diego recently but didn't see what all the hype was about after reading it here when drinking. A unique flavour profile no doubt due to the Pacman, but may suit some palates than others. HB anyway...
  6. Duff

    What Are You Brewing III

    Finally will get around to brewing my first beer for 2010 today I think. Probably an AIPA along the lines of all the great ones I had in San Diego recently - Racer 5, Arrogant Bastard, Torpedo, et al.
  7. Duff

    Birthday Drinks

    Steve - have a good one today mate :icon_drunk: Cheers.
  8. Duff

    What's On The Table

    Pork and coffee is really nice too.
  9. Duff

    What Are You Brewing III

    I still remember that Berliner. Simply awesome. Les, PM me your address and I'll send some bottles and post packs :D Cheers.
  10. Duff

    Superbowl 2010

    Just finished down here in San Diego. Great watching with several Racer 5 IPA's. Good win NO.
  11. Duff

    Inaugural Fnq Brewers Case Swap

    BS Ned, When this swap goes ahead, it will be at the brewhaus of Duff in Port Douglas. Plenty of space, plenty of room to brew for any interested in bringing their rig. Nice pool to cool off in. Having hosted a few of these gigs Kel and I have it down pat. Cheers. BTW - Jo and Shani are...
  12. Duff

    Northern Brewer Hops - What To Brew

    Anchor Steam uses US Northern Brewer, not German. The German NB are a great bittering hop in an APA.
  13. Duff

    Inaugural Fnq Brewers Case Swap

    Niiiice, some quality reviews from Berp :beerbang:
  14. Duff

    This Weekend?

    Gold Warren :beerbang: Saturday: Pack bags Sunday: Fly to San Diego for a week of super hoppy AIPA's :party:
  15. Duff

    New Toy Drum Smoker

    Started my adventures in smoking yesterday. Made a garbage can drum smoker which is heated by an old electric frypan. Tossed a handful of hickory chips in the base and turned it up. Results were fantastic.
  16. Duff

    Stupid Things You've Done While Brewing

    When I first started AG I used an immersion heater to boil with. I was bringing a batch to boil one day when it started to boil over. I pulled the immersion heater out which immediately started to seriously smoke (with all the wort sugar on it) and turned red then black...
  17. Duff

    Australia Day Lamb With Vegemite

    On ABC radio far north the day before Australia Day they had a call in regarding what people were going to cook on Australia Day. One guy called in and mentioned his lamb chops spread with Vegemite before BBQ'ing. So I gave it a go last night. The flavour was fantastic. They lent a bit...
  18. Duff

    Paddy's Challenge 2nd Edition

    7%......???? Pfffftt.... :lol:
  19. Duff

    Paddy's Challenge 2nd Edition

    What alcohol content Gerard?
  20. Duff

    How Many Times Do You Stir Your Mash

    Every 30 minutes I give it a gentle stir which helps with my efficiency into the kettle.