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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Borret

    Show Us Your Mash Paddle

    If I get inspired on the weekend I'll wip up a quick 3D model and maybe some plans (as there aren't any around on the internet that I could find) Anyone that downloads the plans can then contribute a miniscule percentage of their wages to the forum and obtain a place for their logo in the AHB...
  2. Borret

    Show Us Your Mash Paddle

    Here's a photo of mine finished. I never got around to posting it once I finished the handle and it's fellow siblings. I use the smaller one as it is ideal size for the humble Borretmaid but as you can see it has a few twins that have actually made their way to different corners of the...
  3. Borret

    Marga Muino Mill Adjustments

    The crush aint over till the fat hopper 'slims.. (boom boom) .....Way of the future. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of the future.. way of...
  4. Borret

    Marga Muino Mill Adjustments

    Wuhoo, she's complete at last. OK OK, yours is bigger than mine. ;) Cheers Brent
  5. Borret

    London Pride... Recipe?

    'The Ross Method'...... coming to a dodgy book store near you.
  6. Borret

    Grain Mill... Pics

    Quite pretty... Out of curiosity. What size are your rollers and what gap did you end up with? Brent
  7. Borret

    Marga Muino Mill Adjustments

    The Marga family photo :lol: Brent
  8. Borret

    Rice Hulls In Brissy?

    Usefull for 80 yrs of homebrewing ......or 1 years crop from a hydroponic setup? Which is it?. Brent Warren- a 'Barley' field will lauter itself.......
  9. Borret

    Orval Recipe Please....

    Thanks Warren, I didn't have it on hand. The joy's of working from home eh' ;) Brent
  10. Borret

    Orval Recipe Please....

    From 'brew like a monk' (and from memory) the bottle is primarily a brett strain that is used for bottle conditioning. The primary strain is available from whitelabs (not wyeast). Brew like a monk actually suggested using the whitelabs and then dumping the dregs of a few bottle into the...
  11. Borret


    I think the 'l' should be dropped of the end of this thread's title...
  12. Borret


    Sorry I was editing the other post when you wrote. Might be clearer now? Basically the bathwater doesn't spin till it's being emptied. It's the downward movement that makes it spin. So in your kettle the 'procession' is not happening when you are wirlpooling. Brent
  13. Borret


    My dunny doesn't wirlpool, it just flushes. On a serious note the wirlpool is only in effect if the vessel is draining as gravity is having effect and it is rotating through 'procession'. When not draining the liquid is in effect in equalibrium still so the rotation imposed by gravitation is...
  14. Borret

    Can I Bottle Kegged Beer?

    I keep reading this statement that is obviously made in such modesty.... but to what competitions and placings do you refer where you have filled bottles this way. Does it work better for any particular style? Or do you know someone else who wins comps this way? Brent
  15. Borret

    Crown Lager In Aluminum Bottles

    I thought the same when I read the article (about a month ago Doc...old news :P ). However it will appear colder to the consumer holding it in his hand due to the conductivity factor even if warming faster from the heat it's robbing the guys hand of. On another note the aluminium is going to...
  16. Borret

    Secondary Or Not?

    I thought part of being a newbie was being led a stray by the guy on the forum that doesn't neccesarily know much but is simply making the most noise?
  17. Borret

    1272 Or 1056 For An Apa

    The first time I used 1272 I did notice a back ground tartness in the finish as you say. I fermented this beer at 18deg. Next brew was closer to 20 deg and it was still detectable but subsided fast. It had me beat as to what it was at the time and remember discussing it's handling with Gough...
  18. Borret

    Coopers Longnecks

    Yep, yesteryears news :P linky link
  19. Borret

    Anzac Day Commemorative Beer Ideas

    How about a Efes Pilsner clone :ph34r:
  20. Borret

    Whats Brewing For Easter 2006?

    Should be bottling my "Columbus' Voyage of Hop Discovery" Pale Ale around easter time I guess and the Saison sometime after that. After that it's bald headed bitter brewing time :) Brent