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  1. Borret

    Style Of The Week 13/9/06 - Weizen

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Borret

    Style Of The Week 13/9/06 - Weizen

    I do not argue that point. However.. in order to brew with only malt, hops, yeast and water..... ones grain must all be malted. That be a part of the purity law. Wheat is only allowed in top fermented beers too. Brent
  3. Borret

    Style Of The Week 13/9/06 - Weizen

    Snow.. I don't believe the German use any raw wheat in a weizen. It would be unpure. But I surpose as homebrewers who cares what they do :unsure: I love a good weizen, the best IMHO being Schnieder Edel Weisse. :rolleyes: Absolutely beautiful. Trouble being with a benchmark that high I...
  4. Borret

    Goodbye Gough - Dinner & Drinks

    Wish I could join you in sending off the Commisar in the appropriate manner but unfortunately I have other commitments this weekend. Have a good one guys and again Shawn- all the best to you and your Family with the big move . Cheers and Burton.... Brent.
  5. Borret

    Dead Keg?

    :blink: Oh...... so your saying they're made from 'Stainless Steel' then....... :wacko:
  6. Borret

    Beer Labels And Logos

    oooh , which one?? Brent
  7. Borret

    Hag Brew Day At Potters

    It's almost embarrassing having your photo taken in a room full of guys who can only handle a 6oz glass of beer at a time...... :P Sorry it had to be said. ;) Brent
  8. Borret

    Hag Brew Day At Potters

    .... no that's actually my Saison but he's probably still happy about it :P Thanks to Mark for organising it and to the Guys at the brewery who put on a good show.. Was a great day of good beer and good company. Cheers Brent
  9. Borret

    2006 Hop Plantations

    I got a big enough crop out of my first season Columbus last year to do an all columbus beer ( well except for 10g of magnum to help out in bittering.) Not as AA rich, to my calculations, as commercial grown stuff but the beer turned out lovely nonetheless and has even held it's hop freshness...
  10. Borret

    Goodbye Gough - Dinner & Drinks

    Did someone mention.... Burton... All the best Shawn. I'm sure you'll have a blast.. and be sure to follow through on the Burton. Warren, seems you brains always off having a burton :P BURTON
  11. Borret

    Beersmith And Effeciency Calcs

    I noticed and changed my settings on this a while ago too. The thing that gave me a heads up on it was when I was toying with a high gravity all extract recipe. There was no brewhouse efficiency settings because it is extract but when I increased my trub settings, to account for a whack of...
  12. Borret

    Sour Berliner Weisse

    Don't mention the cheese.... I did it once....and... I would love to have tried this incarnation of the beer. Glad it came together for you Seth. Brent
  13. Borret

    Brewing In 2 Stages

    We cross from the no chill method to the double chill method... :lol: I feel it's too long preboil to leave wort for the nasties to get into. Sounds like something Darren would love to discuss with you though. Brent
  14. Borret


    Tis not from this site but a list none the less. Some of it is still heresay Yeast from bottle conditioned beers Brent
  15. Borret

    Stainless Steel Obsession Gone Mad

    Do you mean AFDB's there johnno. What a classic. Brent
  16. Borret

    Nsw Xmas In July 2006 Case Consumption

    Perhaps one could sanitise their tounge to eliminate it as the source of those infected flavours.... Has anyone just sat and enjoyed a beer yet? Oh and when's the poll starting on 'Who's being banned form the next case swap"? :wacko: Brent
  17. Borret

    Beer Bible

    Apparently Willie Simpson was on Sunrise this morning promoting his book. He was also advocating that the palette is like a muscle and must be exercised..... Gold! :lol: Brent
  18. Borret

    A Different Re-using Yeast Question

    POOL They are still enzymes as oppsed to be fungus like yeast. Just as the dry enzyme is not destroyed by the heat of fermentation, so amylase is not destroyed by the heat they are active at ... hence we have a 'mash out' if required which does destroy the excess at the end of the mash.. My...
  19. Borret

    A Different Re-using Yeast Question

    POL, Is that fact or assumption. To my way of thinking the enzyme is working in a similar way to amylase in a mash to break down more complex sugars to simple more fermetable ones and hence the dryer finish. Just as grain has only a certain amount of diastic power I would think that the dry...
  20. Borret

    Liquid Ale Yeast

    'weeeeeeeeelll you could do it thaaaaaat way but I, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, prefer to use the ahhhhhhhhhhhh Cal' ale in everything.....cause I, ahhhh, only brew for competitions'. You want really ahhhhhh, clean profile in this one.