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  1. Borret

    Hop Plantation 2005

    I can confirm the weed theory and I put it to the test with my last round of cuttings. I put a single leaf in water 2 weeks ago and potted it last night. It also had an abundance of roots. Not sure what it wil do from here. I took photo's and will post later. Consequently my columbus showed...
  2. Borret

    Lollies In Your Beer

    Have heard of priming with Black jellybeans too. Also heard of chucking 'Nerds' in flat beer for a fiz.
  3. Borret

    Who Drives A Musclecar?

    Well now we're talking tractors..... and you showed my your's..... not really
  4. Borret

    Bluetongue Sponsors The Newcastle Knights

    Seth, don't know when you last checked steer rivers' website. It has changed and looks quite good. They have a list of where it's on tap already. I have also seen the ad in primetime tele too so it's gotta be out somehwere. I however have not seen it anywhere, not that I've looked. Brent
  5. Borret

    Bluetongue Sponsors The Newcastle Knights

    As uninspiring as their current brews are (although the autumn seasonal was "too" bad) I would still drink it over fosters, or VB any day. We can only hope for a miracle. Borret
  6. Borret

    Bluetongue Sponsors The Newcastle Knights

    According to the interview on ABC radio this morning they are also planning on releasing 5 beers onto the local market before the start of the next footy season and taking their employee base from 40 at the current brewery to approx 1000 over the next few years as they attemp to rival the big...
  7. Borret

    Who Drives A Musclecar?

    Well I used to own half a V8 :P The third in a line of 3 esky's The first the 1300GT was the most fun on a dirt road though. (not worried about the number plates.... I no longer own it and it's now unregistered while in for a facelift to blood orange paint and a cosworth propulsion unit...
  8. Borret


    Hmm bugger. Don't know how I managed that. Guess that's what happens when you try to express read and post while flicking screens at work. No harm done ol' son. Merry Christmas to ye 'll Borret
  9. Borret


    Na, yours is much shinier. ;) Linz, I would note that although a bit trickier to weld..a patch will be much better welded on the inside than the outside as you will end up with a bad crap trap if you don't. Although silicon will never exceed 100deg in this instance I still would avoid it...
  10. Borret

    Cutting And Sticking Polystyrene

    :o Please excuse my kiwi interpretation of expression :lol: You get the picture B)
  11. Borret

    Cutting And Sticking Polystyrene

    I have a hot wire bow that I use for cutting wing cores for model planes. I can post a photo of it if you want. Simple to make and use, the length of wire will vary your temp if you have a fixed power supply or you can govariable. I actually find stainless steel trace wire (the same as we use...
  12. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Berto, you could pour in your starter/culture wort and use it to suspend the yeast sediment and then tip it into a sanitised PET bottle and shake the crap out of it to aerate as usual. Just keep check on the pressure in the bottle or leave it just cracked once it's active. On a more important...
  13. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    I have got through a few of these beers so far but haven't really taken any notes. I also am not one to claim to talk the true lingo and pint point fine details but will give some brief feedback inline with the spirit of the case. Duff's Kolsch I realy enjoyed this beer. Contrary to your...
  14. Borret

    Xmas Brews

    Next brew up is Shmicks Australian Strong Ale. Got the goodies for it just need to slate it on sometime over the break. Time to reculture some coopers yeast me thinks. Borret
  15. Borret


    My Granny goes the VB/ lemonade shandy's. Always remember opening her fridge to find an open tin of vb with gladwrap on top. Hate to think how it's tasting on the 2nd and third day. Borret
  16. Borret

    Brew Like A Monk

    Yep I have a pack in the cupboard..... rock candy/ lump sugar is cane based. (mine is anyway) Borret
  17. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    I sampled my mild again the other night and I reckon it's about good to go. In my own opinion an acceptable brew that although low in alchohol is full in flavour and true to style. I'm happy enough with it, hope you are too. And for the records here's the recipe. Borret BeerSmith Recipe...
  18. Borret

    Hlt Drip

    Definately use some plumbers tape, even go for the pink stuff that is temp pressure rated.. Straight (untapered) threads don't naturally seal and even tapered ones are dubious so you need it as a gap filler of sorts. Easy as pie and then you can still use your fibre washers that are fit for...
  19. Borret

    Nsw Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

    Maybe it's just a freek incident on jase's bottle that may be isolated. For what it's worth the cap on mine does seem to be a little more domed than I'd expect however...... it was one of the ones delivered with yeast stuck in the neck like concrete from being transported upside down :unsure: ...
  20. Borret

    Gift Idea?

    a dishwasher. :lol: