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  1. Lurks

    Ag Newbie - Things Learned, Yet To Learn

    Cheers fella. Lord knows I learnt enough off the forum before I jumped in but you always cock stuff up anyway... I actually dumped the esky mash tun on the last brew and mashed in a huge 50L pot. I had less problem with temperature and I was able to do a mash out easily because it's on a...
  2. Lurks

    Tomorrows Brew Day, Some Thoughts

    Brewing with the big pot has definitely made things more pleasant so there's no going back to little pots :) I'm not really convinced I need to crash chill anyway... I suppose I could always knock up a wort chiller if I had to.
  3. Lurks

    Tomorrows Brew Day, Some Thoughts

    Righty so, I did away with the esky mash tun and mashed in 20L of water in the 50L pot. Temperature control was still hard due to my ****** spirit thermometer but it was way better than the esky, and more importantly - easier to control, as well as being straight forward to mash out. After a...
  4. Lurks

    Tomorrows Brew Day, Some Thoughts

    Hrm, my Beersmith was set on a default of 70 odd efficiency so it was hard to hit the 4% mark... I suppose it's no stretch to expect nearer 80 with a good old dunk sparge? I'd like to be able to measure this but the Coopers hydrometer I've got appears to have been replaced by some device that...
  5. Lurks

    Tomorrows Brew Day, Some Thoughts

    Ordinarily yes, but I had bought the ingredients off the recipe so I've got a full bag ready to go tomorrow.
  6. Lurks

    Tomorrows Brew Day, Some Thoughts

    I don't ever recall seeing one less than 4. Normally 4 or 4.1. The guy in the thread reckons it's 4 but I can't see how that's possible with the volume and grain bill at all?
  7. Lurks

    Tomorrows Brew Day, Some Thoughts

    I can't believe this worked but ... I managed to divert attention from the fact I splashed out on a second fermenter and a 50L stockpot by telling the missus she could choose the next beer. At least I'm still alive anyway. She chose Boddingtons, a Brit bitter she remembers fondly from the pub...
  8. Lurks

    Ag Newbie - Things Learned, Yet To Learn

    Hehe, I'm sure you're right. When you're a noob you need to listen a lot and try work out what you think is good. I'm now trying to wade through sparging techniques and work out if I'm just making life hard with BIAB. Not to mention failing to understand why different mashes gives completely...
  9. Lurks

    Ag Newbie - Things Learned, Yet To Learn

    Ah, I didn't come up with it randomly. I came across this. Quoting Dr Cone from Lallemand (Danstar): "Every strain of yeast has its own optimum rehydration temperature. All of them range between 95 F to 105F. Most of them closer to 105F." That's 35C to 40.5C. Not like I'm trying to be a...
  10. Lurks

    Ag Newbie - Things Learned, Yet To Learn

    Yes... you might be onto something. I guess I feel like the mash is the thing I'm really worried about and I didn't seem to make a lot of progress over the last attempt. It's absolutely a wort alright, it's helluva sweet. :) Now the last (first) one I did that got mashed over 70... that's...
  11. Lurks

    Ag Newbie - Things Learned, Yet To Learn

    I put down another AG yesterday. Again I had real problems regulating my mash temperature. This time I chucked a bit of hot water in the 33L esky, heated up about 12L of hot water to a bit over 70. Got it into the esky with the brew bag with the intention of hitting the calculated 'add water'...
  12. Lurks

    Ag Newbie - Things Learned, Yet To Learn

    Hi there, Being as it's a new year and a bit of a lazy day and I've been lurking for awhile, I thought I'd destealth and type out a bit on my move to all grain. I spent a fair amount reading, including this fine forum obviously. I packed in my job and went back to university so I've not got a...
  13. Lurks

    Arduino Development Thread

    Gentlemen, I've been lurking on the forums for awhile but a thread on Arduino development caught my eye. On the 14th of January there's going to be an event called the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire, dedicated to the scene of creative hackers/makers and featuring a great many people showing off...