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  1. Lurks

    BBC - US craft beer: How it inspired British brewers

    Jesus that Greene King is the pits. I'm seriously nostalgic for some proper ales mind. Shepherd's Neame, sigh. Also, in deepest darkest winter, all those seasonal warmer variants. Served at a proper temperature while you warm your wet freezing arse by the huge fireplace...
  2. Lurks

    Home Made Stir Plate - Enough Whirlpool?

    That's interesting. Not surprising to see cell count boosts based on uncovered and air injection but surprising there's a difference between foil and an airlock. I mean O2 + yeast isn't in doubt, hence people bothering with O2 injection and all. That said, my intuition would have been that with...
  3. Lurks

    BBC - US craft beer: How it inspired British brewers

    One's made out of wood.
  4. Lurks

    BBC - US craft beer: How it inspired British brewers

    If you were going to insist that the only beer you would ever drink came from a cask, imagine the beer you'd miss out on?
  5. Lurks

    Australian craft beer standards

    The thing that ***** me to tears about aussie craft beer in pubs is that they serve it at the same temperature as the mega swill. At 1C you may as well be drinking the cheaper stuff!
  6. Lurks

    BBC - US craft beer: How it inspired British brewers

    Frankly, the camra brigade are a bunch of beardy cardigan wearing conservative fuddy duddies. A campaign for real beer is one thing but arbitrarily deciding that stuff has to be served from a cask is quite another. (Course there's nowt wrong with a lovely british beer served via a hand pump)
  7. Lurks

    Useless flow from cheapo flow-restrictor tap

    Truman, you legend. You absolutely grade-A, stand up ubermensch of a legend! That trick, restrictor full off, then screw on shank, utterly cured the stingy tap of doom! It now flows considerably better than the one 'good' tap I have! So clearly I need to do the same thing on the other. Woohoo...
  8. Lurks

    Decent Plastic Cubes Melbourne

    Those ones from crown concepts are as good as any I've seen at less than half the price to buy anywhere else.
  9. Lurks

    Useless flow from cheapo flow-restrictor tap

    Truman: Hmm yes, that does sound plausible - thanks! Indeed the internal screw is all the way in. I've disassembled them several times to compared them to see why one flows and one doesn't, all to no avail. Looking in from the shank end there does seem to be the same sort of clearance around the...
  10. Lurks

    Application for homebrewers : iBrewer

    Indeed, beer.xml support?
  11. Lurks

    Home Made Stir Plate - Enough Whirlpool?

    I reckon that aeration stuff is a load of old bunk. Yer flask is full of CO2 eh? More likely to be keeping yeast in suspension and offgassing CO2 which helps yeast activity. I did, however, just pull this out of my ass rather than having any evidence.
  12. Lurks

    Useless flow from cheapo flow-restrictor tap

    This has come up before. Celli knock off taps which occasionally have very poor flow. I have two of them and one of them is fine and the other is so slow to be useless, even turned on full. A mate has a couple of them and his are fine too so it's a bit of a lottery. I disassembled them both...
  13. Lurks

    Your favourite aroma hops

    Fuggles. Just to be different.
  14. Lurks

    FS:Melbourne 20l SS Jomack Urn $40

    Descaler. Nothing beats it. Really susprised by the scale. Must have been fed on water from one of the in-land reservoirs?
  15. Lurks

    where to get second hand corny's

    I've had four from mybeershop. Servicable just about. One had caked on syrup **** on the inside that needed some serious elbow grease to scrub out. Another had a bashed post, still works though. The last two looked like they'd lived in a jungle for ten years. They needed a serious scrubbing...
  16. Lurks

    Fermenting on Hot Break?

    That's very very interesting that hot break helps cold break form. The literature seems to indicate that the mechanism for action in terms of enhancing yeast activity and dropping out of suspended proteins is based on particulates of various sizes in the trub. Which is also how pvpp helps...
  17. Lurks

    Fermenting on Hot Break?

    Regarding Kühbeck, Back and Krottenthaler (2006) review paper linked earlier, and some of the papers that are reviewed in that paper, this seems to concentrate on a degree of lauter turbidity as quite distinct from brewing with hot break. Also the above review appeared in a 2006 issue of the...
  18. Lurks

    Fermenting on Hot Break?

    I meant the break in the kettle so as to be potentially avoided (during transfer) as per discussion. Indeed Palmer and the whole posse of old school brewers have banged on about the need to chill and avoid cold break, which as we know isn't really backed up by modern experience. As far as hot...
  19. Lurks

    How not to fit taps to your fridge

    Can you get that 'bog' in a tube rather than needing to buy a big tub? Tight-arsed student, see.
  20. Lurks

    Fermenting on Hot Break?

    Tilt: The podcast experiment seems to be pouring in the entire lot. Basically their experiment was to siphon off the first half of perfectly clear wort into one fermenter, then to tip the rest into another fermenter and compare final beers. No-chillers don't get cold break. I can honestly say...