Restaurant wise, there's plenty of places to eat in cairns along the esplanade. Most offer 10 - 20% discount if you're seated early (before 6 or 7pm I think).
The Rattle and hum backpackers bar does decent pizza and from memory has $10 jugs of mega swill between 5 and 7.
Getting out to the...
We get up to Far North Queensland each year to escape the southern winter. We love it.
There are, however, no great beer places that we've come across. There's lots of beer, but no great beer venues.
Have a good trip.
The last time anyone was on chat was that night in January when Glot started a new thread complaining about people starting new threads.
Glot hasn't been seen since that night.
Why doesn't anyone use chat anymore? Cocko? No. We go there hoping for Cocko.
I thought that people using glad wrap were mad... until I tried it.
Glad wrap is superior because:
- it's easier to clean
- easier to put on
- allows you to have the occasional good look at you fermenting wort
- is easy to lift and re-apply when you want to dry hop
- means that you don't need...
I swap mine over at G&G for $30, I think.
First swap I handed in my brand new bottle and was given an older looking bottle.
Next swap around I got a new one.
I was slightly annoyed at the time of the first swap, but I'm now over it. I really don't mind, as long as the bottle is certified to...
Good luck Greg, your gonna love it. Good to see someone jumping in to AG without overthinking it.
You'll learn from every brew you do. Write stuff down, ask questions, have a go.
Most of all, have fun!
I'm up for it, subject to a central-ish pickup spot in Melbourne.
I do like the beer list that ozPaleAle has posted. But I'd equally be interested in a mixed slab of Aussie craft beers. Actually, it'd make me feel good to do an Aussie buy.
1) OzPaleAle
2) wide eyed and legless
3) thedragon...