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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    How Are Your Hops Going?

    OR just get a drip system setup so there is dribble of water going in there at certain times
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    DOnt know if you got my PM. IS all the orders now closed or is the orders for 5kg of Amarillo, Styrian and Spalt. 3kg of US Hallertae open?
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    I might as well get some.. Check your PM GMK
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    Did I Pay Too Much & Are These Regs Ok?

    Just unscrew all the connections on the reg and get them acid dipped or something. umm whats that Rust stuff on TV.. NO Rust???
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    Homebrewery Designs

    Pretty good site.. Gave me some good ideas. Now all i need to do is I pull my finger out and start making the stuff needed for full mash
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    Have You Made A Coopers Stout

    The last 2 stouts I have made I have added 250g to 500g of Brown Sugar. As this has a high Molasses content it gives a nice flavour..
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    Newbie - My First Batch - Is All Going Ok?

    Dont know why you would need to stir up the yeast for.. Unless you have stuck fermentations or a very high SG beer and you want your yeast to work their hole out..
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    Empty Chimay Keg 20.5lt

    Thats a CUB keg on your last post..
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    Aussie Brew Tree's

    hehehe Rubbing alcohol.. Thats a pretty good loop hole!! damn government limmiting still sizes able to be sold in OZ
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    Portable Cooler For Party Keg

    Why didn't I come accorss this thread earlier.. hmm Ill head off to the 1 of the 2 local Kmarts over the next day or so and see if there is any in Wollongong
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    Brewery Pictures

    Nice brewing Shed... *Looks at pictures* someone must have easy access to Stainless Steel!! :D
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    My Firmenter Almost Exploded

    That thing was going off... Never had that happen on that scale before.. Whats the other thing on the lid. Is that just the holder for the temp probe?
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    Home Made Headmaster Glasses?

    I can imagine it now.. Drinking beer at a fast rate. then chockin on a few grains of rice
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    Fridge Upgrade Project

    But even if its a smaller unit.. It should still be ok. As you aren't opening the door every few minutes so even a smaller compresor should be fine
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    Home Made Headmaster Glasses?

    Im going to give it a go with my dremel today.. I was thinking about this for last few weeks
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    Apricot In Pale Ale

    I would peal and destone them chuck them in a pot with water and boil them for a while until the flesh gets nice and mushy.. Then either straing the liquid off our just poor the pulp into the fermenter..
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    Black Stouts

    I made a Coopers Dark Ale Last night with 500g of plum jam.. Made a starter with SafAle S04 yeast. This morning before work I had a look and it has been blowing through the airlock :angry: at least I know the yeast is good..
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    Where To Buy Bulk Malts?

    Have to go to the Northern Brew one day.. I think I have to pull my fingure out
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    Hop Rhizomes

    I want to get some growing this yeah. Im in Wollongong just south of sydney.. cant wait for it..
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    Conical Fermenters

    $30 plastic bucket!! You guys are getting ripped off.. Go to bunnings and get one from there. The normal Plastic Fermenters that we use are being sold at bunnings for under $20. Then you go out and buy the tap for a few $$$ and a sediment reducer if you use them