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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. gjhansford

    Super Alpha Hops - Recipe Ideas Please

    Thanks guys ... Thinking ... already brewed an Irish Red this morning (Challenger with Cascade to finish) so BribieG ... your idea will have to wait ...sounds good though. My stainless steel fermenter won't be free for a pils until next weekend ... thanks Duff ... will do the Super Alpha/Saaz...
  2. gjhansford

    Super Alpha Hops - Recipe Ideas Please

    I have 2 packets of Super Alpha hops (AA 10.7%) and I'm looking for an all grain recipe featuring this hop. Anyone got any ideas or expereince with this ... "dual purpose hop imparting both aroma and bitterness to some of the worlds finest Lagers. A unique cross of the best English and German...
  3. gjhansford

    Correct Beer Line Length

    My POV is that beer foams in most of our setups because we don't chill the bits outside the freezer. The beer is cold, the beer line in the freezer/fridge is also cold but the tap is at room temperature for the first pour. And if your taps are on top of an unchilled post setup then the length of...
  4. gjhansford

    Hansford Toowoomba Brewhaus Open Tonight

    Despite the weather and all the water, the Brewhaus is open tonight for a debrief on the events of the week. Any local brewers who can get to Centenary Heights welcome. Bring a few bottles and we'll share our stories as we drink. Cheers ghhb
  5. gjhansford

    Beer Glass Review

    Don't be too tought on the kids ... I had three Erdinger and in less than 12 months all three of them ending up in small pieces ... one even broke in the glass washer on it's own with the door closed! I now have 4 Weinenstephan glasses which I got off ebay for only $20 ... so far no breakeages!
  6. gjhansford

    Beer Glass Review

    Here's some of mine ... And my latest ... a litre stein from Munich brought back from Oktoberfest this year by my duitiful son! :beerbang: ghhb
  7. gjhansford

    To Log, Or Not To Log

    For my first 150 brews I used a simple form which I have attached ... and I still have them ... the Brew Records, not the brews!
  8. gjhansford


    Just a correction to my post ... it's the alcohol that throws the multipy by 4 formula out ... not the SG. Thanks MH.
  9. gjhansford


    Not sure what your problem is ... might it be this? A refractometer reads "Brix", a hydrometer reads "SG". Two completely different measures. You need a converter to line them up. A simple formula won't work because the formula changes with SG. I now use the calculator in my brewing software...
  10. gjhansford


    Make sure the one you're looking at is a "32 Brix". Apparently there's more than one 'model' and they are suitable for different liquids.
  11. gjhansford

    Fridgies: Help Needed! Please!

    My 2 bits worth ... the gas is all gone. My first unit was a brand new little 2 keg chesty that I got cheap as showroom damaged due to a small dint in the side. No worries for me as it's built in. So I drilled two holes in the top for the beer lines and screwed on the font. Also no worries...
  12. gjhansford

    Fermenting In A Corny Keg

    Thanks Galamus ... that's the kind of info I need ... about 25mm of the bottom of the diptube ... and thanks for the tip for the airlock ... I didn't really want to go hacking or drilling into my keg lids ...
  13. gjhansford

    Will This Risk Hsa?

    Wheelbarrow ... that's what I like to see ... brewing on a large scale!
  14. gjhansford

    Fermenting In A Corny Keg

    Thanks for the links ... I have 24 kegs so that's not a big issue ... even with 8 taps there's always a couple spare. Others who do this (aparently it's big in the US) seem to bend up the end of the dip tube ... but maybe there's another way ... Found a thread on another forum where the poster...
  15. gjhansford

    Belgian Ale Beer Glasses

    I get most of my speciality glasses from ebay ... picked up some great bargains ... got a set of 4 Leffe glasses and a couple of Hoegaarden Grand Cru tulips a couple of years ago ... latest best buy might be 6 genuine Weinesstephan glasses for about 20 bucks ... 6 x Weinenstephan Glasses...
  16. gjhansford

    Fermenting In A Corny Keg

    I'm resurrecting this thread on using cornys as primary fermenters to see if there's been any progess since the original post way back in 2003 and the minor revival in 2009! Why ... well ... I was chatting to a brewer at the new Duckstein Brewery in Margaret River a couple of weeks ago and...
  17. gjhansford

    Wa Brewery Tour Suggestions

    Well ... we're back from our WA trip and visits to almost all breweries and a couple of decent pubs. The pick on the lot was as follows: Sail and Anchor - Fremantle. Spend the best part of a whole day there on a Sunday during the Freo Festival with all these buskers outside for atmosphere...
  18. gjhansford

    Wa Brewery Tour Suggestions

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions ... will start planning the trip over the weekend! Will definately be staying out of Perth for a few days ... Margaret River area for sure ... has anyone done the Beer Nuts tour recently? Looks interesting but does it include a closer look at the breweries...
  19. gjhansford

    Wa Brewery Tour Suggestions

    The wife and I will be in Perth and surrounding areas for a week in early November - staying on after a conference. Arriving Wednesday Nov 3 and staying in Perth until Saturday ... then off to where ever until we fly back east the following Saturday. Any thoughts and suggestions ... breweries...
  20. gjhansford

    RecipeDB - Prague Weekender

    Q: Why do we go to all of the trouble to make 'em ... lagers I mean ... not child'n? A: Because we can!